Page 105 - CityofGrapevineFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 105
General Fund
Police – Community Outreach
Division Description
The Community Outreach Division provides programming to increase officer engagement with the community through
the Outreach Center, it provides quality after school services to children and youth in need through the Outreach Center
and is also responsible for increasing crime victims' knowledge of their crime victims’ rights through the Victim
Services program.
FY24 Division Accomplishments
Continued the implementation of the Valuable After School Time (VAST) Program.
Continued the implementation of Outreach summer camps for kids.
Organized Community Outreach Programs.
Organized a community-oriented initiative to address unhouse population.
Continue to assist victims of crimes with resources and education.
FY25 Division Goals and Objectives
Provide programming to increase officer engagement with the community through the Outreach Center.
Provide quality after school services to children and youth in need through the Outreach Center.
Increase crime victim’s knowledge of their crime victims’ rights through the Victim Services Program.
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2023-24 2024-25
EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Actual Actual Budget Estimate Approved
Personnel - 2,170 202,656 469,031 336,528
Supplies - - 45,200 21,998 59,200
Services - 356 108,000 55,564 111,150
Total - 2,526 355,856 546,593 506,878
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2023-24 2024-25
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Budget Estimate Approved
Number of community related events and/or programs N/A 14 10 17 15
Number of children/youth involved in after school N/A 49 40 48 45
Assisted crime victims provided information about N/A 1 1 1 100%
crime rights
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