Page 89 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 89
Budget Highlights Citywide Fund Balance Summary
Fund balance is defined as the difference between a fund's assets and its liabilities. Portions of the fund balance
may be reserved for various purposes, such as contingencies. The City makes a concerted effort to maintain the
fund balance and retained earnings of the various operating funds at the required level stipulated in the Financial
Management Policy Statement sufficient to protect the City's creditworthiness as well as its financial position from
emergencies. More information about the city’s reserve requirements is found in the Processes and Policies
section of this document and an in-depth look is found in the Supplemental Information section. The city uses
these policies to continually monitor the health and condition of each fund by evaluating fund balance as well as
weighing trends and projections for future growth or decline. The table below illustrates the fund balance for the
City’s key operating funds.
Governmental Funds
Forecasted Forecasted Forecasted Net Projected Projected Projected Fund
Net Position as Revenues Expenditures Position at End of Revenues Expenditures Balance at End
of 9/30/2023 FY2024 FY2024 FY2024 FY2025 FY2025 of FY2025
General Fund $ 306,305,898 $ 1,008,726,251 $ 998,342,680 $ 316,689,469 $ 1,062,507,450 $ 1,062,507,450 $ 316,689,469
Alliance Maintenance Facility 2,004,760 7,463,316 8,608,240 859,836 9,769,982 9,769,982 859,836
Community Tree Planting 81,266 660,624 651,260 90,630 531,164 531,164 90,630
Crime Control & Prevention
District 48,599,126 124,947,272 130,237,964 43,308,434 133,658,347 133,589,621 43,377,160
Culture & Tourism 26,889,103 56,160,097 51,513,051 31,536,149 59,447,429 59,447,429 31,536,149
Culture & Tourism 2% Hotel 9,998,619 9,595,292 6,294,374 13,299,537 10,193,087 10,193,087 13,299,537
DFW Rev Sharing 7,405,878 11,714,666 5,096,167 14,024,377 10,995,322 10,995,322 14,024,377
Culture & Tourism Project
Financing Zone 14,372,476 15,279,534 5,613,545 24,038,465 16,432,417 16,432,417 24,038,465
Venue Operating 9,916,896 10,971,019 10,372,561 10,515,354 12,023,066 12,023,066 10,515,354
Venue 2% Hotel Occupancy
Tax — — — — 10,193,087 10,193,087 —
Economic Incentives 9,926,241 5,322,471 2,891,446 12,357,266 5,000,000 5,000,000 12,357,266
Environmental Protection 1,760,750 15,648,123 14,949,358 2,459,515 15,536,991 16,536,991 1,459,515
Municipal Golf 2,000,469 5,895,461 6,198,472 1,697,458 7,902,693 7,902,693 1,697,458
Proprietary Funds
Forecasted Forecasted Forecasted Net Projected Projected Projected Fund
Net Position as Revenues Expenditures Position at End of Revenues Expenditures Balance at End
of 9/30/2023 FY2024 FY2024 FY2024 FY2025 FY2025 of FY2025
Municipal Airport $ 10,494,977 $ 17,215,407 $ 17,333,005 $ 10,377,379 $ 16,490,262 $ 16,490,262 $ 10,377,379
Municipal Parking 3,248,346 8,227,692 5,715,331 5,760,707 8,391,178 8,391,178 5,760,707
Solid Waste 41,150,094 87,935,879 82,899,365 46,186,608 89,143,878 89,143,878 46,186,608
Stormwater Utility 17,287,920 58,662,633 57,951,759 17,998,794 64,583,379 64,583,379 17,998,794
Water & Sewer 276,148,448 592,566,595 589,512,573 279,202,470 616,963,098 616,963,098 279,202,470
Capital Projects Service 5,929,799 17,256,782 17,102,675 6,083,906 18,566,073 18,566,073 6,083,906
Fleet & Equipment Serv 6,070,333 40,025,514 39,952,665 6,143,182 43,726,070 43,726,070 6,143,182
Group Health Insurance 40,854,260 86,622,624 89,585,662 37,891,222 91,409,175 91,409,175 37,891,222
Risk Financing 41,070,661 34,715,611 36,659,610 39,126,662 35,823,905 35,823,905 39,126,662
Note: Fund Balance includes budget-based activities and does not include items such as unrealized gain/loss that may be reported in the Annual Financial
Report, previously known as the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, on a GAAP basis. Fund Balance for the prior year was sourced from the financial
management system of record on September 30, 2023. The use of/contribution to fund balance or net position is not included in projected revenues or expenses.
Forecasted revenues and expenses for FY2024 are presented at a point in time and do not include all final fiscal transactions. These may include but are not
limited to encumbered funds, pending financial adjustments, accruals, and other accounting entries.