Page 243 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 243
Gas Endowment Funds Gas Endowment Fund Statement
• To fund one-time community-wide economic and neighborhood development initiatives and projects.
• To fund labor and materials associated with production, distribution and establishment activities for trees
on public property (including school and county property).
• To periodically transfer funds to the General Fund to offset budgeted administrative costs associated with
administering this policy and managing the city’s gas leases and pipeline agreements, with the allocation
of the cost being proportional among all gas revenue funds according to each fund’s relative percentage
of the total revenue collected in all funds (including the Trust/Endowment funds and city affiliated
corporation funds) during that reporting period.
• To periodically transfer Park funds from gas lease and pipeline revenues to the General Fund to offset
program costs associated with leases, conversions, and pipelines.
• To replenish the Unassigned Fund Balance (for the General Fund), Assigned Fund Balance (all other
Governmental Funds except the General Fund), or Net Position (for Enterprise Funds), if necessary, in
any designated city fund, to meet the minimum reserve requirements established for that fund.
• To make payments in support of arts organizations provided, however, such payments may only be made
using distributions from the General Endowment Gas Lease Fund and not from bonus, royalties, ad
valorem tax revenues, or any other gas-related revenue. Royalties may be considered for supporting the
maintenance of the Fort Worth art collection.
• To provide a minimum of one million dollars, subject to funds availability within the annual distribution, for
the acquisition of land to serve as open space, green space, natural area or other similar properties that
will preserve or increase the permeable surfaces in the city.
Aviation Endowment Fund
This fund includes bonus, royalty, and other natural gas-related fee revenue derived from airport property,
including pipeline easements and license agreements, which are recorded in the Municipal Airports fund and
allocated in the following manner:
• Fifty percent to the Airports Gas Lease Project fund for Aviation Capital Improvement Projects.
• Fifty Percent to the Aviation Endowment Gas Lease Fund.
General Endowment Funds
This fund includes all other revenue from bonuses, royalties and fees from gas leases, pipelines or related
activities located on all other city property, including unrestricted parkland, will be allocated as follows:
• Fifty percent of the revenue will be allocated to the Capital Projects Reserve Fund.
• Fifty percent of the revenue will be allocated to the General Endowment Gas Lease Fund.
PARD Council Restricted Gas Funds
Bonus revenues from gas leases associated with park land are recorded in the Park Gas Lease Project Fund and
are designated for use for capital improvements at the park where the gas leases are located. Royalties and
other fees received from gas leases or license agreements associated with park land that has federal and/or
state restrictions require proceeds to be spent within the park system, except for the Nature Center, shall be
allocated as follows:
• Fifty percent to the Park Gas Lease Project Fund.
• Fifty Percent to the Park System Endowment Gas Lease Fund.
Water & Sewer Endowment Fund
Funds from Water and Sewer property and park land located in and around Lake Worth (except the Nature