Page 150 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 150

General Fund                                                                               Library


                                                          FY23           FY24           FY25
            Key Measures                                 Actual       Estimated        Target      Desired Level

            Strategic Focus Area: Customer Engagement
                Reducing barriers to access, expanding the Library's reach, and evolving services beyond buildings
            Increase number of in-person visits by 5%   1,009,069      1,075,211      1,128,972      1,128,972
            Increase number of new library cards issued by   20,622      12,488         13,112         13,112

            Strategic Focus Area: Arts & Culture
                Contributing to the City's thriving arts scene while celebrating the past and embracing the future.
            Maintain number of programs offered           7,096          8,301          8,301          8,301
            Increase program attendance by 10%            79,218         91,607        101,768        101,768
            Strategic Focus Area: Education & Growth
                Enriching out-of-school-time and making learning fun and enjoyable.
            Increase participation in adult classes and
            workshops to develop or advance skills and    25,834         26,347         28,982         28,982
            knowledge by 10%
            Increase participation in ESL classes by 10%  5,346          6,927          7,620          7,620
            Use of online database resources (searches   2,080,700     2,029,366      2,029,366      2,029,366
            Strategic Focus Area: Books & Reading
                Cultivating a community of readers and serving as the literary hub for the City
            Increase checkout of library materials by 15%  3,517,180   4,012,025      4,613,829      4,613,829
            Increase registered reading challenge         6,031          8,608          10,000         10,000

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