Page 63 - CityofForestHillFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 63

Enterprise / Proprietary Funds Overview

               The Water and Sewer (Fund 60), Waterworks Construction (Fund 61), Sanitation (Fund 62), and Storm
               Water Drainage (Fund 65) Funds comprise the City proprietary fund and account for all operations and
               maintenance  of  the City’s water distribution, wastewater  collection, trash, and drainage systems.
               Revenues to support this Proprietary Fund are derived from user fees billed to commercial and residential
               customers in the City.  The Water and Sewer (Fund 60) is sometimes referred to as an Enterprise Fund.
               Proprietary Funds / Enterprise Funds are funds established to account for operations of an enterprise
               activity that acts like a “for profit” entity.  Enterprise funds generally are segregated as to purpose and
               use  from other  funds of the  governmental entity  with  the intent that  revenues generated  by  the
               enterprise activity are deposited and will be devoted principally to funding all operations of the enterprise
               activity, including payment of debt service on securities issued to finance such activity.  In some cases,
               however, the governmental entity may be permitted to use funds in an enterprise fund for other purposes
               and to use other funds to pay costs otherwise payable from the enterprise fund.

               As a proprietary fund, the fund is accounted for on a full accrual basis and is budgeted on a modified
               accrual (working capital) basis.

                  Enterprise Funds (60, 61, 62, 65) Revenues, Expenditures, & Transfers

                  Enterprise Funds (60, 61, 62, 65) Expenditures by Department (Excluding


                                                                                                       60 of 84
   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68