Page 18 - CityofDalworthingtonGardensFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 18


                                        GENERAL FUND                           2022-2023           2023-2024           OCT-JUN      JUL-SEP                 2023-2024                       2024-2025            Variance      Variance

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 FY 24/25
                                                                                                                                                                                                 % Proposed     Proposed        FY 24/25
                                                                                                                                                                VARIANCE                                                      Proposed
                                                                                                                                                    YTD                                                             % of   Budget    vs    FY   Budget
                                                                                              Original    Amended                   3 months                Actual +  Projected       Proposed                                 Budget
                                                                                ACTUAL                               9 mths      Actual          Actual +                  Amended               23/24 Actual     vs
                                                                                              Budget      Budget                    Projected                 vs Amended              Budget                                     vs
                                                                                                                                                 Projected                  Budget                  plus                FY 23/24
                                                                                                                                                                Budget                                                        FY 23/24
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Projected                   Actual +    Amended Budget
                 Dept  Account Number    Account Description                                                                                                                                                    Projected
                  50   6500              Utilities:Electricity                                      8,374                 8,328                   8,328                      7,191                    3,360                   10,551                         2,223  127%                 10,868  103%                             317                       2,540
                  50   6505              Utilities:Gas                                              1,360                 1,407                   1,407                      1,309                       166                      1,475                               68  105%                   1,512  102%                              37                           105
                  50   6510              Utilities:Telephone                                        1,344                 1,200                   1,200                         865                       173                      1,038                           (162)  86%                   1,038  100%                                0                         (162)
                  50   6515              Utilities:Water & Sewer                                    3,066                 2,204                   2,204                      2,399                       805                      3,204                         1,000  145%                   3,277  102%                              74                       1,074
                  50   6520              Utilities:Mobile Data Termin                               3,864                 3,462                   3,462                      2,902                       770                      3,672                             210  106%                   3,894  106%                           222                           432

                  50   6525              Utilities:Cable                                               449                     463                      463                         356                       113                         469                                 6  101%                       475  101%                                6                             12

                       Police            Total Utilities                    $                   18,458 $            17,063 $              17,063                   15,022 $                5,387 $                20,409 $                      3,346  671%  $             21,064  103%  $                       655 $                    4,001
                  50   6805              Maintenance:Vehicles                                     30,318               32,598                 32,598                   31,175                 10,671                   41,845                         9,247  128%                 32,888  79%                       (8,957)                           290
                  50   6810              Maintenance:Bldg/Grounds                                   5,188                 6,282                   6,282                      1,860                    3,260                      5,120                        (1,162)  82%                   6,282  123%                        1,162                           -
                  50   6830              Maintenance:Police Eqpt                                       937                 1,600                   1,600                      1,438                       200                      1,638                               38  102%                   1,650  101%                              12                             50

                       Police            Total Maintenance                  $                     36,443 $            40,480 $              40,480                   34,472 $              14,131 $                48,603 $                      8,123  120%  $             40,820  84%  $                  (7,783) $                       340
                  50   7015              Consultants:Legal-Regular                                  3,401               10,000                 10,000                      1,127                    1,000                      2,127                        (7,873)  21%                   2,500  118%                           373                      (7,500)

                  50   7095              Consultants:Other                                          4,900                 6,400                   6,400                      3,631                    1,985                      5,616                           (784)  88%                   5,700  101%                              84                         (700)
                       Police            Total Consultants                  $                      8,301 $            16,400 $              16,400                      4,758 $                2,985 $                  7,743 $                     (8,657)  47%  $               8,200  106%  $                       457 $                   (8,200)
                  50   7300              Contractual:Computer System                              49,159               59,838                 59,838                   36,695                 19,446                   56,141                        (3,697)  94%                 58,001  103%                        1,860                      (1,837)
                  50   7305              Contractual:Copy Machine                                      633                     760                      760                         394                       241                         635                           (125)  84%                       680  107%                              45                           (80)
                  50   7310              Contractual:Arlington Air Time                             7,056                 7,056                   7,056                      5,292                    1,764                      7,056                              -  100%                 11,290  160%                        4,234                       4,234
                  50   7315              Contractual:Medical Director                               2,000                 2,000                   2,000                      2,000                        -                        2,000                              -  100%                   2,000  100%                            -                            -
                  50   7320              Contractual:Comm Radio                                   10,351               10,868                 10,868                      7,982                    2,916                   10,898                               30  100%                 11,907  109%                        1,009                       1,039
                  50   7440              Contractual:Janitor Services                                4,752                 4,752                   4,752                      3,564                    1,188                      4,752                              -  100%                   4,752  100%                            -                            -
                  50   7505              Contractual:Liability Insurance                           28,569               33,063                 33,063                   29,622                    9,282                   38,904                         5,841  118%                 47,971  123%                        9,067                     14,908
                  50   7510              Contractual:Worker's Compensation                        28,404               34,010                 34,010                   22,452                    8,502                   30,954                        (3,056)  91%                 33,245  107%                        2,291                         (764)
                       Police            Total Contractual                  $                 130,924 $          152,347 $           152,347                 108,001 $              43,339 $              151,340 $                     (1,006)  99%  $            169,846  112%  $                  18,506 $                  17,500
                  50   8010              Other:Membership&Dues                                      1,938                 1,962                   1,962                      1,736                       485                      2,221                             259  113%                   2,041  92%                          (180)                             79
                  50   8020              Other:Meetings                                                 -                        -                        -                           -                         -                           -                               -  0%                       -    0%                            -                            -
                  50   8021              Other: Annual Awards Banquet                               2,411                 2,500                   2,500                      1,913                           0                      1,913                           (587)  77%                   2,500  131%                             587                           -
                  50   8022              Other: Special Events                                      2,401                 5,800                   5,800                      2,517                    1,833                      4,350                        (1,450)  75%                   3,975  91%                          (375)                      (1,825)
                  50   8070              Other:Miscellaneous                                           682                 1,700                   1,700                           21                    1,679                      1,700                              -  100%                   1,700  100%                            -                            -
                  50   8072              Other:Radio T1 Line                                         8,889                 8,614                   8,614                      6,212                    2,163                      8,375                           (239)  97%                   8,739  104%                           364                           126

                  50   8079              Other:Day with the Law                                    12,210               13,000                 13,000                          -                  13,000                   13,000                              -  100%                 13,000  100%                            -                            -
                  50   8090              Other:Lease Principal                                      4,887                 5,117                   5,117                      3,816                    1,301                      5,117                              -  100%                   4,872  95%                          (245)                         (245)
                  50   8091              Other:Lease Interest                                          393                     163                      163                         144                         19                         163                              -  100%                         88  54%                            (75)                           (75)
                       Police            Total Other                        $                     33,811 $            38,856 $              38,856                   16,359 $              20,481 $                36,840 $                     (2,016)  95%  $             36,915  100%  $                           75 $                   (1,940)
                  50   9010              Capital Outlay:Computer/Off Eq                                 -                  2,000                   2,000                      2,100                        -                        2,100                             100  105%                       -    0%                       (2,100)                      (2,000)
                  50   9100              Capital Outlay: Vehicle                                        -                      -                          -                           -                         -                           -                               -  0%                         -  0%                            -                            -
                  50   9105              Capital Outlay:DPS Equipment                             15,315                      -                           -                         -                           -                               -  0%                       -    0%                            -                            -
                  50   9350              Capital Outlay:Equipment                                       -                14,800                 14,800                          -                  25,800                   25,800                       11,000  174%                         -  0%                      (25,800)                    (14,800)
                       Police            Total Capital Outlay               $                     15,315 $            16,800 $              16,800                      2,100 $              25,800 $                27,900 $                    11,100  279%  $                   -  0%  $                (27,900) $                (16,800)
                       Police            TOTAL EXPENDITURES                  $          1,887,833  $   2,219,562  $     2,233,262           1,380,566  $         637,498  $       2,018,063  $             (215,199)  90% $    2,162,394  107%  $            144,330  $             (70,868)
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