Page 26 - CityofColleyvilleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 26

The City's history of clean audit opinions re ects its strong commitment to  nancial transparency and responsible
            management. In the event of audit  ndings, management, particularly the Finance Director, is responsible for
            responding and implementing corrective actions.

            Deposits and Investment Policies
            The City's investment activities are governed by state statutes and the City's written Investment Policy and Strategy. The
            primary objectives, in compliance with state law, are to preserve capital, provide liquidity, and maximize earnings while
            prioritizing capital preservation and liquidity. All City funds are deposited in FDIC-insured banks within the City. Deposits
            held at authorized depositories are fully collateralized by securities, held by an independent third party, to ensure the
            security of City funds.

            Interfund Transfers
            Interfund charges are applied based on material costs, and only when deemed substantial. These charges are
            determined case-by-case to ensure operational ef ciency.

            Pension Plans and Other Long-term Liabilities
            To ensure future  nancial stability and prevent undue burden on future generations, the City fully funds pension and
            other long-term obligations on an annual basis. The City participates in the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS)
            and ensures monthly contributions to meet the actuarially required amount. This proactive approach ensures that the
            City meets its long-term commitments without shifting liabilities to future budgets.

            Number of Funds
            The City aims to maintain the minimum number of funds necessary to account for its  nancial activities. Resources are
            allocated to individual funds based on the speci c purposes for which they are designated and the means of controlling
            expenditures. Where feasible, activities are separated into departments within a fund rather than establishing new funds,
            ensuring streamlined and ef cient  nancial management.

                City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2025                                                     Page 26
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