Page 21 - CityofBurlesonFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 21

Capital Improvement Funds The capital improvement fund accounts for financial resources
               to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities. The budget for these
               projects is independent of the operating budget and are typically funded with bonds, grants, fund
               balance, special restricted revenue or other sources of capital from developers or other private
               investment. The table below summarizes the capital projects for FY 2024-2025.

                                                     GO Bond Projects
                Neighborhood street rebuilds                                                        $750,000
                Alsbury Boulevard Phase. 2 – Hulen Street to CR1020 (Bridge)                      $5,646,260
                Police headquarters expansion                                                    $13,607,500
                Hulen Street at Wilshire Boulevard intersection                                     $200,000
                Hulen Street Widening (SH174 to Candler Street) (design of 4 lanes;
                construction of two lanes)                                                        $1,800,000
                Total                                                                            $22,003,760
                                         General Government Additional Projects
                Police headquarters expansion                                                     $6,293,000
                Alsbury Boulevard Phase 1B - Candler Street to Hulen Street outside lanes         $3,615,444
                Alsbury Boulevard Phase 2 - Hulen Street to CR1020 (Bridge)                       $2,116,276
                Hulen Street – 4 lane expansion (additional costs to GO Bond ST2502)              $2,267,711
                Additional pavement rehab                                                         $1,000,000
                Village Creek Parkway expansion (Tarrant Co. Bond 50% Match)                      $1,660,765
                Two Fire engines & equipment                                                      $2,600,000
                Eight storm sirens                                                                  $350,000
                Total                                                                            $19,903,196
                                                        4A Projects
                Alsbury Boulevard                                                                 $4,001,277
                Lakewood Drive extension                                                            $100,000
                Total                                                                             $4,101,277

                                                        4B Projects
                Centennial                                                                          $525,000
                Chisenhall Field Turf                                                             $2,205,000
                Shannon Creek Park                                                                $1,881,675
                Green Ribbon                                                                         $90,000
                Total                                                                             $4,701,675
                                                       TIF 2 Projects
                Ellison & Wilson Streets - sidewalk ADA                                             $233,377
                Old Town lighting improvements (Bransom & Bufford Streets)                          $273,201
                Total                                                                               $506,578

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