Page 20 - CityofBurlesonFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 20
Water & Sewer Fund Revenues by Source
Revenue Category FY 2025 Proposed % of Total
License, Permit & Fee $20,000 0.07%
Charges For Services $28,308,689 94.54%
Investment Earnings $450,000 1.50%
Miscellaneous $43,922 0.15%
Impact Fee $1,030,000 3.44%
Administrative Allocation $44,000 0.15%
Transfer In $46,979 0.16%
Total Revenues $29,943,590 100.00%
The city of Burleson along with other surrounding municipalities’ purchases treated surface water
from the city of Fort Worth. The next year proposed budget reflects increased water
consumption due to growth and customer demand. Wholesale rates are projected to increase to
$2.3612 (pending rate adoption by Fort Worth City Council) per 1,000 gallons of water purchased
from $2.3208 which would represent a 1.74% increase.
Currently, the utility fund holds just over $59.425 million in outstanding debt. The city has
worked closely with its financial advisors, Hilltop Securities, to develop a sound debt
management plan for the utility fund. In the future, the city anticipates annual debt service
increasing. However, in FY 2024-2025, the city anticipates a decrease of $450,585 to $6,963,230
because of a new strategy of using reimbursement resolutions to delay the issuance of debt by
one year.
In order to appropriately manage the utility fund debt, the city and Hilltop Securities developed
a plan to monitor the debt limits. The enterprise fund will target the net revenues available for
debt service to exceed 1.25 times the outstanding revenue-backed debt service payments. This
will help identify if the net revenues can sustain the committed debt service and any future
Street Maintenance Fund The budget introduces a newly established Street Maintenance
Fund aimed at improving the maintenance and repair of roads within the city. Previously,
$1,100,000 was allocated annually for street maintenance in the General Fund. With the creation
of this new fund, an additional $1,645,833 will be allocated each year specifically for street
maintenance. Several different street maintenance activities will be employed to improve street