Page 159 - CityofBurlesonFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 159
City Manager’s Office
The City Manager's Office is responsible for the day-to-day operation of all city operations. The City
Manager is appointed by and serves at the discretion of the Burleson City Council. The Deputy City
Managers and Assistant to the City Manager are a part of the City Manager's Office.
Future Goals in FY 2024-2025
o Develop the FY 2024-25 annual budget focusing on cost containment, efficiency, and capital
project delivery
o Pursue grant funds from the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) and the North Central Texas
Council of Governments (NCTCOG) to fund key infrastructure projects
o Continue implementation of the city-wide asset management program for public infrastructure
and fixed assets
o Finalize a pavement management plan and establish a street opterations program
o Work with developer to continue the build out of Chisolm Summit
Prior Year Accomplishments for FY 2023-2024
o Completed the development and moved staff into the new municipal space in Ellison on the
Plaza building
o Developed a city-wide capital improvements program identifying the key projects and funding
o Established a plan to improve mobility in the city of Burleson and worked with regional partners
to advance key projects
o Continued to reorganize city operations to provide greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness
Supplemental Budget Items
No supplemental budget items.