Page 4 - Report
P. 4

FY 2024-2025 Proposed Budget


        The  property tax revenue in this  proposed  budget is  based  on  the proposed  No New Revenue  tax  rate of

        This document explains funds and provides an estimated fund balance for all funds. It provides a summary of
        the revenue and expenditures for all funds as well, which are detailed in the actual budget document. Also
        included is a 2-year history of staffing positions compared to the budgeted positions for FY 2024-2025.


        The table below shows the City of Blue Mound funds with fund numbers.

                                                  City of Blue Mound Funds
                 General Fund (general municipal operations)                           100
                 Crime Control Prevention                                              200
                 Special Revenue Fund (Court Security/Technology                       300
                 State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund                                    400
                 Capital Projects Fund                                                 500
                 Debt Service Fund (debt payment for bonds)                            600
                 Enterprise Fund (Water/Sewer)                                         900
                 Drainage Fund                                                         910

        These funds have a balance, called fund balance. Fund balance, in its simplest form is:

            •  The difference between assets and liabilities in the fund (similar to a business’s net worth).
            •  Rolls over year to year and can fluctuate up or down.

        Below are the estimated balances of the City’s funds. These are estimates as the bank reconciliations and audit
        for FY 2022-24 are not completed. They do not necessarily equate to actual cash on hand nor what is available
        to spend because funds may owe each other.

        These amounts also do not include any reserves (saving for down times). Reserves are to cover operating costs
        in the event the City stops receiving revenue or there is a decline in revenue.

            •  The recommended best practice for reserves is 90 days of operating expenses.
            •  The council can adopt a reserve policy as it sees fit. To date, the City does not have a formal reserve policy
               in place.
            •  90 days operating reserves for the General fund = $445,000. Adjusted Fund Balance for FY 2023 year-end
               = $466,688.00.
            •  90 days reserves for the Water/Sewer Fund = $205,171. Adjusted Fund Balance for FY 2023 year-end =
            •  Fund balance can be used for capital projects/purchases and to balance the budget.

               FY 2024-2025 Adopted Budget                    4                                  August 20, 2024
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