P. 31


               The City Charter of the City of Azle establishes the fiscal year as October 1 through
               September 30.  The Charter requires the City Manager to submit a proposed budget
               and accompanying budget message to the City Council prior to the start of the fiscal
               year as soon as is practical and in accordance with state law.   The City Council reviews
               the  proposed budget at workshops and revises it  as  appropriate  prior to general
               circulation for public hearings.

               The City Manager's Office oversees the preparation of the proposed budget.   A budget
               calendar is distributed to the City's  management team in early  March.  The budget
               process kicks off in March with the distribution of budget materials.  Preliminary budgets
               are prepared by each department based on the spending of prior years and current year
               spending levels.    Departmental requests  for capital items, new personnel,  or  new
               programs require accompanying justification statements.

               Early in the budget process, the City Manager leads a strategic planning session with
               the City Council and members of the City’s management team.  During these meetings,
               members of the City Council and Staff have an opportunity identify and discuss priorities
               for the coming budget year and beyond.  The City Council will give direction to Staff for
               its top priorities for the coming year including any changes in major sources of revenue,
               personnel, and capital items and projects.  This meeting is open for the public to attend.

               After a review of the preliminary budgets, the City Manager meets with each department
               head to review their proposed budget.   Each department head is  provided an
               opportunity to further explain new requests and to prioritize these requests.

               Certified property tax rolls are received by the City from Tarrant Appraisal District and
               Parker County  Appraisal District by July 25 .  Upon receipt the  City is then  able to
               calculate the various tax rates required by Texas Truth-in-Taxation laws, including the
               No-New-Revenue Tax Rate, the Voter-Approval Tax Rate, and the proposed Tax Rate.
               After these tax rates  are calculated,  Staff  uploads  the rates  to  an online database
               maintained by  the  appraisal districts.   The  public is allowed  to view this information
               online and make comments.  In addition, notice of these various tax rates is posted on
               the City’s website and social media.

               After extensive reviews and revisions, the proposed budget is presented to the City
               Council.  The Council then conducts sufficient work sessions to  review the  budget.
               Department directors are  present during  the work sessions to answer  questions.
               Copies of the proposed budget are made available to the public and the public hearing
               schedule is confirmed.

               Before the public hearings are held, notices of the public hearings are posted at City
               Hall, on the City’s website,  and published in the newspaper.    As required  by Texas
               Truth-in-Taxation laws, the City will conduct public hearings on both the proposed tax
               rate and the proposed budget.  During these hearings, the public is given an opportunity

               City of Azle FY 2024-2025 Budget                                                            20
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