Page 227 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 227


                                  MUNICIPAL COURT SECURITY – FUND 25

               The  Municipal  Court  Security  Fund  was  established  in  the  1997  Texas  Legislative
               Session to allow a $3 assessment on all court fines paid.   This fee was increased to
               $4.90  during  the  2020  Legislative  Session  with  SB346.    The  assessment  allows
               municipalities to purchase security equipment such as surveillance cameras, bulletproof
               glass,  and  Marshal  cost  for  Municipal  Court  areas.    The  Municipal  Building  Security
               Fees were assessed beginning in May 1999.

               The fund is accounted for on the modified accrual basis of accounting.  Revenues are
               recorded  when  available  and  measurable,  and  expenditures  are  recorded  when  the
               liability is incurred.


                                                    HISTORY                  PROJECTED YEAR       BUDGET %CHANGE
                                               2020-2021 2021-2022    2022-2023  2022-2023   2023-2024  FY2023-2024
                                                Actual     Actual      Budget    Projected   Proposed VS 2022-2023

                Fund Balance, October 1        $      11,245 $      29,719  $        47,769 $      47,892  $59,592
                     Municipal Bldg Security Fees  18,453   17,934       20,000     15,000      15,000    -25.0%
                     Interest Earnings               21        239           50      2,500       2,500   4900.0%
                Operating Revenues             $      18,474 $      18,173  $        20,050 $      17,500  $      17,500  -12.7%

                Total Available Resources      $      29,719 $      47,892  $        67,819 $      65,392  $      77,092  13.7%

                     Personnel                        0          0       26,500      5,800      27,800      4.9%
                     Supplies                         0          0            0          0           0      0.0%
                     Contractual/Sundry               0          0            0          0           0      0.0%
                     Capital                          0          0            0          0           0      0.0%
                Operating Expenditures                0          0       26,500      5,800      27,800      4.9%

                Operating Transfers-Out
                      To Internal Service Fund        0          0            0          0           0      0.0%
                Total Operating Transfers-Out         0          0            0          0           0      0.0%

                TOTAL OPERATING & TRANSFERS    $            -  $            -  $        26,500 $        5,800  27,800  4.9%

                Fund Balance, September 30       $29,719   $47,892      $41,319    $59,592     $49,292

                CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE           $18,474   $18,173       ($6,450)  $11,700    ($10,300)

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