Page 205 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 205
Public Works –
Facilities Maintenance
Mission Statement
To provide citizens and staff with safe and accessible facilities. To maintain the city’s investment in facility
structures both interior and exterior and building equipment.
Department Overview
Facilities Maintenance is a section of the Public Works Fleet & Facilities Division. It provides the maintenance
and operation of all city owned facilities, buildings, and structures which totals over 120,000 square feet.
• Minor and major remodeling and construction as needed.
• Provides an efficient and effective preventative maintenance program to maintain and upgrade city owned
buildings to an acceptable condition compatible with city codes.
• Provides and maintains a pleasant and secure environment for all visitors and city employees in the
buildings under city jurisdiction.
Highlights/Achievements for FY2023
• Replaced police department HVAC units.
• Replaced water tower HVAC units.
Goals/Objectives for FY2024
• To provide safe and trouble free working environment for city personnel and citizens.
• Complete fleet shop expansion.
• Start water tower elevator modernization.
• Complete recreation center foundation repair.
• Installation of the water tower generator.