Page 203 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 203

Performance Measures

         Workload Indicators                                          FY2022      FY2023      FY2023      FY2024
                                                                       Actual    Adopted  Projected        Target
         Work orders completed                                          623         700         700         700
         Gallons of fuel dispensed                                     60,436     62,000      62,000       62,000
         Number of preventive maintenances performed per month           30         35          32           35
         Number of city vehicles/equipment maintained                   855         850         900         900
         Number of training classes attended                             10         15          15           15

                                                                             FY2022            FY2023       FY2024
         Measurement              Strategic Goal         Measure
                                                         Type            Goal     Actual  Goal     Actual  Goal
         Increase annual          # 1. Maintain the
         number of inhouse        financial strength of   Efficiency     100%     97%      100%    96%      100%
         fleet repairs            the City.
         completed by 1%          # 2. Expand public
         each year.               safety through non-
                                  enforcement efforts.
         Maintain average life    # 1. Maintain the
         per policy for fleet.    financial strength of   Efficiency     100%     100%     100%    100%     100%
                                  the City.
                                  # 2. Expand public
                                  safety through non-
                                  enforcement efforts.
         Increase the number      # 7. Attract, retain,
         of employee              and motivate qualified  Efficiency     100%     51%      100%    28%      100%
         certifications by 1%     staff.

                 Public Works – Fleet Division at a Glance

                                      Location:                         FY2024                          Full-time
                                                                       Budget:                        Employees:
                                     Water Tower
                                      7800 Virgil                      $361,650                           4.00
                                    Anthony Blvd.

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