Page 195 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 195

Performance Measures

         Workload Indicators                                          FY2022    FY2023       FY2023       FY2024
                                                                      Actual    Adopted      Projected     Target
         Total fire calls                                               839        1,350       1,000        950
         Total emergency medical service calls                         1,819       2,000       2,000       1,950
         Number of ambulance transports                                1,346       1,400       1,525       1,600
         Number of fire mutual aid provided                              44         50          40           50
         Number of fire mutual aid received                              17         50          40           50
         Number of EMS aid provided                                     132         150         150         150
         Number of EMS aid received                                      95         200         200         150
         Number of fire inspections                                     488         700         800         800

                                                                             FY2022            FY2023       FY2024
         Measurement            Strategic Goal           Measure
                                                         Type            Goal     Actual  Goal     Actual  Goal
         % of Priority 3 or     Goal 2
         higher Fire calls in                            Effectiveness   100%      100%  100%      100%     100%
         Watauga responded
         to in 6 minutes or
         % of Priority 3 or     Goal 2
         higher EMS calls in                             Effectiveness  100%      100%     100%    100%     100%
         Watauga responded
         to 6 minutes or less
         % of required fire     Goal 2
         inspections                                     Effectiveness  100%      76.5%  100%      97.5%  100%

                 Fire Department at a Glance

                               Location:                         FY2024 Budget:                        Full-time
                           Central Fire Station                    $4,096,490
                             5909 Hightower                                                              30.00

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