Page 194 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 194

Summary of Expenditures by Category

        The Fire Department budget increased by $354,110 mainly due to personnel cost increases. In addition, positions
        that were previously funded by the SAFER funds were reallocated into the general budget.  There are approved
        one-time  purchase requests  in  the  budget for  fire  station  mattress  replacement,  fitness  equipment,  and the
        continuation of the training prop program.
                                 FY2022             FY2023                FY2023                FY2024
                                 Actual             Adopted               Projected             Budget
         Personnel               2,782,957          3,284,100             3,285,000             3,573,200
         Supplies                   144,493            147,600               153,780               158,660
         Maintenance                  65,733             67,640                60,620                76,280
         Contractual Sundry         195,960            233,040               231,920               244,350
         Capital Outlay                 7,500            10,000                10,000                44,000
         Total Fire              $3,196,643         $3,742,380            $3,741,320            $4,096,490

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