Page 188 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 188
Police Department
Mission Statement
The mission of the Watauga Police Department is to provide the highest quality police service while safeguarding
individual liberties and building positive community relationships.
Department Overview
The Watauga Police Department provides services 24 hours a day 365 days a year to all the citizens of Watauga
and those traveling in and out of the city.
Highlights/Achievements for FY2023
• Transitioned to a new Weapons system for handguns.
• Maintained a low response time to calls with minimum staff.
• Redesigned the structure of the department from the Lieutenant position and responsibilities.
• Transitioned an Administration staff to Animal Control Officer.
Goals/Objectives for FY2024
• Fully staff both Code and Animal Services.
• Create a Code Enforcement position for commercial issues.
• Promote a Senior Code Officer.
• Recruit and fully staff sworn positions.
• Obtain Texas Police Chiefs Association Re-Recognition status.
• More positive presence on social media.
• Develop and participate in community policing and engagement events. Coffee with a Cop, National Night
Out, Neighborhood Patrols and Block Meetings as an example.
Organizational Chart
Police Chief
Executive Grants & Assistant
Administrative Recognition Police Chief
Assistant Manager
Records Lieutenant
Records Property Senior Animal Animal Sergeant
Clerk Room Code Services Control
Tech Officer Supervisor Officer
Officer Kennel
Tech Police