Page 187 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 187

                                            SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES

                            Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Compared to Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget

        DESCRIPTION             CATEGORY         ONE-TIME ON-GOING                CHANGE EXPLANATION

        Personnel               Personnel Services          $42,200  benefits, retention, COLA/merit & TMRS adjustments
        Personnel               Personnel Services          $27,000  PIP approved FY23-24
        Wearing Apparel         Supplies                     $700   department analysis - additional positions
        Vehicle Parts & Supplies  Supplies                  ($1,000)  department needs analysis
        Vehicle Fuels & Lubricants  Supplies                ($1,000)  estimated needs adjustment
        Janitorial Supplies     Supplies                    $1,000  department usage adjustment
        Chemicals               Supplies                    ($2,000)  splashpad chemicals estimate adjustment
        Chemicals               Supplies                    $14,500  fertilizer/pesticides increase (ongoing NR FY23-24)
        Agricultural/Botanical  Supplies                     $500   irrigation supplies increase
        Agricultural/Botanical  Supplies                    $2,000  landscaping needs adjustment
        Agricultural/Botanical  Supplies                    $1,000  mulch needs adjustment
        Equipment Parts & Supplies  Supplies                ($1,000)  department needs analysis
        Vehicle Maintenance     Maintenance                 ($1,300)  department needs analysis
        Sign Maintenance        Maintenance                 ($1,000)  needs estimate adjustment
        Park Trails Repairs     Maintenance       $21,500           trip hazard mitigation (NR FY23-24)
        Park Maintenance        Maintenance                 $5,000  department needs & costs analysis
        Fencing                 Maintenance                  $200   department needs & costs analysis
        Communications          Contractual/Sundry          $1,100  departmet usage analysis
        Travel Expense          Contractual/Sundry           $200   department needs analysis
        Dues & Subscriptions    Contractual/Sundry           $555   licenses analysis adjustment
        Training                Contractual/Sundry           $600   department needs analysis
        Contract/Outsource Services  Contractual/Sundry     $1,000  department needs & costs analysis
        Contract/Outsource Services  Contractual/Sundry  $70,000    demo old senior center (one time NR FY23-24)
        Debris Disposal         Contractual/Sundry          $9,000  needs and rates adjustment
        Other Equipment         Capital Outlay    $10,000

        Personnel               Personnel Services         $118,000  positions from ARPA budget (fund 10) - 2FT
        TOTALS:                                   $101,500  $217,255

                                                           $318,755  NET INCREASE/DECREASE

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