Page 18 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 18


                   ❖  A Comprehensive Land Use Plan was adopted by City Council to be used as a
                       tool in the development of the City.  As the City approaches full build out, planning
                       initiatives for re-development and improvement of certain aging corridors in the
                       City are of primary focus.

                   ❖  The Equipment Replacement Fund put into place a few years ago continues to
                       be assurance that certain equipment, technology, and vehicle needs will be met in
                       the future.

                   ❖  The  Capital  Outlay  Plan  provides  for  a  5-year  format  to  identify  timing  of
                       replacement and sources of funding for major equipment, vehicles, and technology

                   ❖  5-year Capital Improvement Plan is a long-range financial planning document
                       that  revolves  around  several  major  street  projects,  water/sewer  system
                       infrastructure  projects  as  well  as  significant  improvements  to  our  storm  water
                       drainage  system,  and  various  equipment  and  vehicles  outlined  in  the  Capital
                       Outlay Program.

                   ❖  The Parks Master Plan identifies various parks improvement projects throughout
                       the City of Watauga.   Many of these projects are incorporated into the 5-year
                       Capital Improvement Plan with funding sources identified.

                   ❖  A Personnel Improvement Plan identifies needed personnel positions to provide
                       quality services and programs to our Citizens.


               The  FY2023-2024  Budget  totals  $66,870,591  which  includes  $27.6  million  in  capital
               projects and equipment. The focus this year is to continue and improve on our program
               of services while addressing inflationary impacts and future sustainability.

               The budget document truly represents a collective effort by City Council and City Staff to
               develop  a  plan  that  spends  within  its  means  while  we  together  serve,  enhance,  and
               transform  our  community.    We  recognize  the  need  to  balance  service  demands  to
               maintain a sustainable operational and financial position that adheres to our strategic
               priorities and protects the City’s fiscal health, while preserving those things that make
               Watauga “A Great Place to Live”.

               I would like to thank City Council for their strong leadership and willingness to make very
               complex and sometimes difficult decisions which will have lasting positive impacts on our
               City.  I look forward to working with the Council throughout the budget adoption process.

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