Page 16 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 16


               City Council Goals

               Watauga continues to move at a healthy pace toward its strategic goals and objectives
               with regards to meeting the needs of citizens, economic development and revitalization,
               improving infrastructure, and making Watauga, “A Great Place to Live.”   The budget
               reflects the City Council’s vision that “The City is focused on building an inclusive
               community that delivers an exceptional quality of life with access to amenities and
               programs through good governance, fiscal responsibility, and transparency.”

               The FY2023-2024 Budget will provide funding for City Council goals and related strategic

                   ➢  Goal #1:  Maintain the Financial Strength of the City – this includes maintaining
                       sound fiscal management practices, ensuring the City’s bond rating is maintained
                       or improved on an annual basis, developing an internal audit committee, evaluating
                       the feasibility of participating in the Opportunity Zones program, and seeking grant

                   ➢  Goal  #2:     Expand  public  safety  through  non-enforcement  efforts  –  Safety
                       improvements for Watauga residents and visitors.

                   ➢  Goal  #3:    Develop  a  sustainable  economic  development  effort  –The  City  will
                       continue efforts and develop policies and plans to reinvest, revitalize, and improve
                       aging shopping center sites and foster economic development, redevelopment,
                       business retention and attraction.

                   ➢  Goal #4:  Strengthen Future Planning – The Comprehensive Plan was updated in
                       FY2018-2019 to include economic development.

                   ➢  Goal  #5:    Improve  Community  Involvement  –  this  goal  includes  initiatives  to
                       develop more volunteer opportunities for citizens and identify technological options
                       that encourage citizen participation.   Funding is included for a citizen survey every
                       three years and the annual Watauga 101 Citizens academy.

                   ➢  Goal #6:  Improve the City Brand – The City is focusing on developing a marketing
                       strategy to promote the City.

                   ➢  Goal #7: Attract, retain, and motivate qualified staff – a Personnel Improvement
                       Plan  identifies  areas of  staffing  needs for all  City  departments.  With  continued
                       staffing challenges, a review of the City’s recruitment and retention strategy will be
                       conducted, and employee satisfaction surveys will be conducted every two years.

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