Page 49 - RG APPROVED BUDGET REPORT - 3921.pdf
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8-18-2023 02:32 PM                               CITY  OF  SANSOM  PARK                                         PAGE: 23
                                                       APPROVED BUDGET
                                                    AS OF:  JULY 31ST, 2023
                                                                    (------- 2022-2023 --------)(------- 2023-2024 --------)
                                          2020-2021      2021-2022      CURRENT    YEAR-TO-DATE    REQUESTED      APPROVED
 DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES                  ACTUAL         ACTUAL        BUDGET       ACTUAL         BUDGET        BUDGET

 616-3451-00  Judge                     PERMANENT NOTES:

                                        Judge's contract pay

 616-3452-00  Court Security            PERMANENT NOTES:

 616-3601-00  Dues & Subscriptions      PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        TMCCA Texas Municipal Court Clerks Association and North
                                        Texas Court Clerks Association

 106-616-4000-00 Electricity                       0              0             0             0             0             0
 106-616-4003-00 Telephone                         0              0         2,570             0             0         2,570
    TOTAL UTILITIES                                0              0         2,570             0             0         2,570

 106-616-5000-00 Office Equip. Maintenanc          0              0             0             0             0             0
 106-616-5006-00 Licensing & Maintenance       2,458          2,978         4,947         5,995             0         6,854
    TOTAL MAINTENANCE                          2,458          2,978         4,947         5,995             0         6,854

 616-5006-00  Licensing & Maintenance FePERMANENT NOTES:

 616-5006-00  Licensing & Maintenance FeCURRENT YEAR NOTES:
                                        Incode $4816 includes Exeu Time $150 and Brazos (ticket
                                        writer interface $1018.05/Spillman interface $1176.70;
                                        Lexis Nexis $1638 and Antivirus $242.72

 106-616-8800-00 Capital Outlay                    0              0             0             0             0             0
 106-616-8800-01 Capital Outlay-Court Sec          0              0             0             0             0             0
 106-616-8800-02 Capital Outlay-Court Tec          0              0             0             0             0             0
    TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY                           0              0             0             0             0             0

  TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT                      103,923        110,975       114,323        96,348             0       118,017
   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54