Page 21 - RG APPROVED BUDGET REPORT - 3921.pdf
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8-18-2023 02:32 PM                               CITY  OF  SANSOM  PARK                                         PAGE:  9
                                                       APPROVED BUDGET
                                                    AS OF:  JULY 31ST, 2023
                                                                    (------- 2022-2023 --------)(------- 2023-2024 --------)
                                          2020-2021      2021-2022      CURRENT    YEAR-TO-DATE    REQUESTED      APPROVED
 DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES                  ACTUAL         ACTUAL        BUDGET       ACTUAL         BUDGET        BUDGET

 106-612-3403-00 Audit Services                3,100          7,926        12,000         5,608             0        12,000

 106-612-3404-00 Professional Services        39,105         24,066        32,000        18,160             0        32,000
 106-612-3405-00 Engineering Services              0            878         8,000           943             0         8,000
 106-612-3410-00 Codification Expenses             0              0         3,000         3,795             0         3,000
 106-612-3411-00 Records Retention Suppli          0              0         1,000             0             0         3,000
 106-612-3420-00 IT Technical Support          8,600          7,582         6,000         2,000             0             0
 106-612-3421-00 Website                         788            827         4,000           689             0         4,000
 106-612-3430-00 Community Dev. Consultan          0              0             0             0             0             0
 106-612-3600-00 Legal Publications              234          4,630         3,000         3,995             0         3,000
 106-612-3601-00 Dues & Subscriptions          9,462         10,834         7,500        10,591             0         8,200
 106-612-3602-00 Advertising                       0            790           400             0             0             0
 106-612-3606-00 Sales Tax Audit                   0              0             0             0             0             0
 106-612-3700-00 Liability Insurance          24,608         26,238        22,000        22,160             0        22,000
 106-612-3701-00 Insurance Claim Expense           0              0             0             0             0             0
 106-612-3750-00 380 Grant Agreements              0              0             0             0             0             0
 106-612-3751-00 Sub-Standard Housing              0              0             0             0             0             0
 106-612-3800-00 Bank Service Charges         18,165         23,392         6,800        20,576             0         6,800
 106-612-3850-00 Fines & Penalties                 0              0             0             0             0             0
 106-612-3900-00 Modular Lease                     0              0             0             0             0             0
 106-612-3910-00 Copier Lease                  2,381          2,966         3,669         1,794             0         3,669
    TOTAL CONTRACTUAL & OTHER SRVC           176,036        256,115       209,153       182,779             0       209,169

 612-3300-00  Training                  PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program

 612-3410-00  Codification Expenses     PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        Codification should be every Quarter

 612-3601-00  Dues & Subscriptions      PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        Texas Municipal Clerks Assocation and North Texas Municipal
                                        Clerks Association

 106-612-4000-00 Electricity                   2,529          3,178         3,000         2,110             0         3,000
 106-612-4001-00 Gas Service                     496            553           500           492             0           500
 106-612-4003-00 Telephone                     5,202          6,849         6,179         3,443             0         6,179
    TOTAL UTILITIES                            8,227         10,580         9,679         6,045             0         9,679


 106-612-5000-00 Office Equip. Maintenanc         39              0             0             0             0             0
 106-612-5001-00 Building Maintenance          8,027         14,741         5,400        10,520             0         5,400

 106-612-5006-00 Licensing & Maintenance       3,740          4,303        31,655        20,464             0         9,852
    TOTAL MAINTENANCE                         11,807         19,044        37,055        30,984             0        15,252

 612-5001-00  Building Maintenance      PERMANENT NOTES:
                                        Janitorial Fees for every two weeks cleaning services

 612-5006-00  Licensing & Maintenance FePERMANENT NOTES:
                                        TYLER TECH (INCODE LICENSE)
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