Page 12 - Saginaw FY24 Adopted Budget
P. 12
• Our insurance broker and City staff are in the process of evaluating bids and negotiating
with potential providers. The adopted budget includes a savings to the General Fund of
$85,114 and $14,700 to the Enterprise Fund. As providers are determined there is a
potential to see further cost reductions. The City provides coverage for employee
health, dental, and basic life insurance. The City will continue to partially fund dependent
coverage. As rates are finalized the structure/cost to the employee may change.
• As the labor market continues to be extremely competitive, pay plan adjustments and
salary step increases are budgeted. The adopted budget includes up to a 10% market
increase in the pay plan with an additional 3% STEP adjustment for public safety
personnel that are not at the top of the pay range. For future years it is the intention to
continue market adjustments as warranted and STEP increases for public safety
• Pay adjustments are included for all regular part time positions to a minimum of
$15/hour. Part time employees earning over $15/hour are budgeted to earn up to a 10%
• The city-wide cost of worker’s compensation and property/general liability insurance
through Texas Municipal League will increase by $28,535 and $21,019 respectively.
• Line item increases in General Administration include supplies and postage, fees paid to
Tarrant Appraisal District, the addition of the employee assistance program, and credit
card transaction fees. Funding is included for Human Resource recruiting equipment
• Increases in the Fire Department include janitorial service for the new fire station
($9,030), funding for the public safety employee assistance program ($2,520), increases
for household hazardous waste collections due to increased citizen participation
($5,000), and a subsidy of $7,100 for the ambulance service provider.
• Fire Department capital outlay includes: $25,000 bunker gear replacement (grant
funded), replacement of 4 apparatus mobile data computers $18,000, reinstall opticom
traffic preemption equipment at Saginaw Blvd @ McLeroy Blvd $9,000, a forcible entry
training simulator $11,000, and replacement of the arson canine vehicle $45,000.
• Increases in the Police Department include law book replacements ($4,000), funding for
the public safety employee assistance program ($4,620), and $10,500 for a new physical
fitness wellness incentive program.
• Building maintenance funding is increased by $58,700 due to cost increases in building
materials and aging facilities.
• Other line item increases in Public Services includes an increase of $7,950 for planning
and work order software, $25,000 for supplies related to the holiday light displays,
$5,885 for anticipated mowing contractor increase, and $7,000 for CDL training for new
• A one ton Public Services truck will be replaced $60,000.