Page 33 - CityofMansfieldFY24Budget
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staff reviews  service level requirements and  makes decisions regarding new  programs, increased or
               decreased staffing  and  changing resource allocation. Departments  use the Strategic Plan to identify
               additional staffing requirements and obtain appropriate salary levels for each proposed new staff member.
               The  Chief  Financial  Officer  and  Budget  Officer  review  all budget  data  submissions  from  individual
               departments to ensure each department has submitted accurate and concise data.

               Budget Review and Modification  Phase  -  The Budget  Officer  sets a  budget calendar and schedules
               meetings with each department/division director. Individual meetings occur with most departments at least
               twice prior to budget work sessions with City Council. Budget requests and recommendations for each
               department are reviewed during this phase. New staffing, operational expenditures, revenue projections and
               capital equipment requests are reviewed to determine the overall resources available to fund departmental
               requests. Performance measures are reviewed to determine the overall effectiveness of each departmental
               program. City Council and City Manager priorities and goals are reviewed with departments to ensure that
               individual budgets reflect the priorities set by City Council and the City Manager. Recommendations are
               then forwarded to the City Manager for review.

               Adoption Phase - A proposed operational and financial plan is presented to City Council through a series
               of budget work sessions prior to public hearings. The City Staff communicates the proposed budget to the
               citizens during these public work sessions in the form of power point presentations, handouts, cable access
               recordings or a combination of these formats. Two public hearings are held, and City Council adopts the
               tax levy and fiscal year budget consistent with the City Charter and Texas State law.

               Implementation Phase - Departments are accountable for budgetary controls throughout the fiscal year.
               Expenditure patterns are examined, compared to budget plans, and corrective action is taken as necessary
               during  the  fiscal year. The Finance team reviews  the budgeted  revenues, expenditures, and  current
               demographic, economic and financial trends monthly that may impact the City and plan strategy to ensure
               the City’s financial integrity. City Council is also provided a monthly financial report disclosing the City’s
               actual revenue, expenditure and fund balance performance as compared to the budget plan.


               The City Council considers the proposed budget and holds budget work sessions and public hearings in
               July,  August and September. The budget work sessions  provide an opportunity for  City management,
               directors, and the general public to offer information and recommendations to the City Council.

               Legally, the budget must be adopted by September 30 . Per the City Charter, the budget must be adopted
               by September 15 .  City Charter requires one public reading of the budget ordinance before it is adopted
               by City Council. The adoption of the budget ordinance authorizes expenditures from all funds within the
               City including the General, Debt Service, Enterprise, Special Revenue, and Capital funds. The City’s fiscal
               year begins October 1  and ends September 30 .


               Upon adoption, the staff  prepares the operating  budget,  incorporating  all changes authorized by  City
               Council.  Each department is advised of the approved budget for their divisions.

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