Page 27 - CityofMansfieldFY24Budget
P. 27

               Approximately $21,400  is budgeted for the MPFDC portion of  auto,  liability, and  property  insurance
               coverage. There is also an overhead allocation to the General Fund budgeted at $224,617.

               $217,633 is budgeted in FY 2023-2024 to fund a vehicle, trailers, and field maintenance equipment.

               The debt service payment in the Mansfield Park Facilities Development Corporation is $3,164,077.

               Mansfield Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) Fund

               The sales tax revenue for the MEDC Fund is $10,082,572 in FY 2023-2024, inclusive of debt service.
               $5,459,950  of the total revenue  is  appropriated for approved economic development projects  and
               contractual obligations. Revenues result from a ½ cent sales tax approved by the voters in 1997. Since
               inception, these revenues have steadily increased.

               One new position is budgeted in FY 2023-2024 for a Management Analyst.

               Operations and Maintenance
               The operating budget  increased approximately  15%  in FY  2023-2024, primarily  due to  contractual
               obligations for economic incentives, and an increased reserve as a result of higher sales tax anticipated.

               The budgeted transfer to the General Fund for the Shops at Broad development is $241,400. In addition,
               $184,003 to the General Fund is budgeted for overhead allocation. Finally, $37,209 is budgeted for the
               MEDC portion of liability and property insurance coverage.

               No equipment is budgeted for FY 2023-2024.

               The debt service payment in the Mansfield Economic Development Fund is $2,660,028.

                                               CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS
                  Capital Projects Funds are used to account for acquisitions of capital assets financed from general
                 obligation proceeds, revenue bonds, certificates of obligation proceeds, or transfers from other funds.
                     The Capital Projects Funds include the Street Construction Fund, Utility Construction Fund,
                     Environmental Services (Drainage) Construction Fund, Building Construction Fund, MPFDC
                  (Parks) Construction Fund, MEDC (Economic Development) Construction Fund and the Equipment
                                                      Replacement Fund.

               The Capital Improvement Program is developed to match costs against expenses occurring in
               corresponding periods of time whenever possible.  In other words, the development and timing of
               infrastructure improvements is crucial to maintaining current and future developments while maintaining
               or lowering debt ratios. Impact fees offset the amount of funding borrowed in the Construction funds.

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