Page 196 - CityofMansfieldFY24Budget
P. 196

Actual     Actual    Budget     Budget
          Performance Measures                                            2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023  2023-2024
          City License Events
          City Licenses Issued                                              460        491        400        400
          Microchipping Events                                               -          1          6          6
          Adoption Events                                                    -          0          6          6
          Animals Impounded                                                1,437      1,676      2,000      2,000
          Animals Adopted                                                   523        677        650        650
          Pets Checked Out - Doggy Day Out                                   -          -        new         200

                                                                  N          O          R          T         H
          Goal #3                                                            ●          ●         ●
          Coordinate with our neighboorhood services division on outreach programs to assist low income areas with pet essentials as well as pet
          services we can provide.
          1. Pinpoint needs within different neighborhoods and attempt contact.
          2. Provide sterilization options, flea meds, food and supplies.
          3. Proactively contact low income owners prior to signicant weather events to make sure their pets are prepared.

                                                                           Actual     Actual    Budget     Budget
          Performance Measures                                            2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023  2023-2024
          Number of People Receiving Food
          Number of Sterilization Surgeries                                  5          5         20         20
          Number of Flea Treatments Issued                                   6          2         20         10
          Number of Dog Houses Provided                                      6         16         20         20

         Animal Control                 Actual          Actual          Budget          Budget         % Change
         Summary                       2020-2021       2021-2022       2022-2023       2023-2024       2023-2024

         Personnel Services         $               693,912  $               679,865  $               713,080  $             814,529  14.23%

         Operations                                123,060                   168,288                   162,635                 192,216  18.19%

           Total                    $             816,972  $               848,153  $             875,715 $            1,006,745  14.96%

                   Animal Control*                    2021-2022     2022-2023    2023-2024    2023-2024
                   Full Time Equivilent Positions       Budget       Budget       Budget       Change
                   Animal Control Manager                  -            1            1
                   Animal Control Officers                 -            3            4             1
                   Kennel Technician                       -            2            1.5          -0.5
                   Receptionist                            -            1            1
                   Total                                   0            7           7.5           0.5
                   *Animal Control moved from Police

               Contact: Nicolette Ricciuti, 817-276-4264

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