Page 195 - CityofMansfieldFY24Budget
P. 195

Division Name:
                                                                                      Animal Control

           Mission Statement:
           It is the mission of the Regulatory Compliance Department to protect property owners’ investments and promote the public health,
           safety, and welfare of the community and its animals, and where violations occur, work with residents to achieve compliance
           through efficient and fair processes.
           Services Provided:
           1. Investigate and resolve complaints and concerns related to animal ordinance and state animal law violations.
           2. Investigate animal bite incidents and operate as the Local Rabies Control Authority for the city.
           3. Hold, care for and adopt out impounded strays and owner released animals.
           4. Host community outreach events and provide education to current and new pet owners.

                  CITY COUNCIL’S GUIDING PRINCIPLES              N         O           R          T         H

                                                              Noteworthy  Organizational   Remarkable   Together       Healthy
                                                              Essentials  Excellence  Experiences  as One  Economy
                                                              Consistently   Strong team   Distinctive   Create   Sustainable assets,
                                                              high-quality   and internal   services and   community   financial strength &
                                                               services   culture    amenities  connections  growth

                                                                  N         O          R          T          H
           Goal #1                                                ●         ●                     ●

           Decrease shelter capacity through in field reunification, adoption programs and partnerships with animal welfare organizations.

           1. Have officers try to locate an animal owner by speaking with neighbors to find owner location.
           2. Partner with additional rescue organizations for animal transfer and adoption promotion.
           3. Continue proactively providing spay/neuter to reduce stray or unwanted animals in the city.

                                                                           Actual     Actual    Budget     Budget
           Performance Measures                                          2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023  2023-2024
           Service Calls                                                   4,505      3,727      4,000      4,000
           Animals Reclaimed in the Shelter                                 251        240        220       250
           Animals Reclaimed / Returned %                                   5%         6%         5%        6%
           Animals Rescued                                                  267        299        300       350
           Animals Spayed / Neutered (new measure)                           -          -          -        520

                                                                  N         O          R          T          H
           Goal #2                                                ●                    ●          ●

           Expand shelter marketing and social media presense to expand awareness.

           1. Work with other Communications and Marketing to create a campaign for our shelter.
           2. Increase number of social media posts.
           3. Promote, projects, programs and available animals on different social media platforms.

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