Page 18 - CityofHaltomFY24Budget
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City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                      Introduction

                 CONCLUSION                                                                                                                                                STRATEGIC GOALS

                 Mayor and Council Members, each of you have been instrumental in creating the two main factors that
                 have placed Haltom City on the right course for the future. Those factors are fiscal responsibility and              Goal 1:  Continue to Cultivate the Commercial and Residential Development Plan for a successful Economic Development
                 significant economic growth.                                                                                         Environment

                                                                                                                                      Strategic Goals                    Outcome:
                                                                                                                                      Revitalize Major Corridors within City
                                                                                                                                                                         Utilize the newly created TIRZ 2 Zone along HWY 377 and Belknap areas for needed
                 As always, we strive to strike the balance between fiscal responsibility to our citizenry, taking care of our                                           improvements
                 employees, and providing the highest level of municipal services to our community by maximizing the                  City Trendz                        The new clothing store is now open in Haltom Plaza
                 effectiveness and efficiencies of our resources. We are confident this budget will strike that balance.              3951 Old Denton Road               Clothing distribution center Certificate of Occupancy has been issued
                                                                                                                                      New HMART grocery and restaurants  Civil plans are being processed and construction will begin for the clothing distribution
                                                                                                                                                                         center in 2024
                                                                                                                                      Journey Dome Indoor Theatre        Located in new 817Air facility on Hwy 377 will open in November 2023
                 This year we have accomplished the milestone of proposing the lowest tax rate since the 2007 budget,                 JPI's Apartment Complex            The multi‐family development will begin next year on Baker Blvd
                 shaving thirteen cents off the city’s highest property tax rate in 2017. The budget includes:                        Heritage Place Subdivision         412 homes located across the street from the library are under construction with DR
                    •  Increase  compensation  for  employees  by  7%  to  remain  competitive  and  attract  and  retain             Hoffbrau Steakhouse                Horton has joined the remaining development
                                                                                                                                                                         Will construct a new restaurant near Hwy 377 and 820
                        competent staff.                                                                                              Hibbits Sports                     The new sports store will be open in Haltom Plaza in the spring of 2024

                    •  Completion of two major city facilities with a combined budget of $52 million for a Law Enforcement            Alexis Event Center                Located at 4211 Glenview is now open
                        Center and City Hall.                                                                                         The Stream Luxury Apartments       This Multi‐family apartment complex will house 1100 units. Construction is scheduled to
                                                                                                                                                                         start next year.
                    •  Continued progress on $98 million in future Streets, Drainage, and Water/ Sewer improvement                    Jefferson Fossil Creek Apartments  The new Multi‐family apartment complex is now open.
                        and maintenance projects.                                                                                     Holiday Inn Hotel                  The hotel project along the 820 Corridor is currently dried in and doing interior work and
                                                                                                                                                                         scheduled to open in 2024.
                    •  Replacement of inoperable and outdated vehicles and equipment.                                                 Marriott Hotels                    The hotel project along the 820 Corridor is currently in the dried in phase and
                                                                                                                                                                         progressing with interior work and scheduled to open in 2024.
                                                                                                                                      Parmore Fossil Creek Senior Living  Is currently under construction and will be completed in 2024.
                                                                                                                                      Scannell Properties                Large warehouse distribution center located on Hwy 377, has completed the shell and
                 Our future goal will be to continue broadening the tax base utilizing the 3-pronged approach of attracting                                              working toward the finish out.
                 job-creating  businesses,  increasing  new  residential  housing,  and  holding  to  development  and  code          Dd's Discount                      Dd's Discounts clothing store soon will be moving into Big Lot's Space and Open in 2024.
                 standards that is showing results. The right kind of economic growth will be the answer to sustain our               Total Point Urgent Care Center     Total Point Urgent Care Center is set to open in the former CVS Building and will
                 current path.                                                                                                                                           provide 24/7 service.
                                                                                                                                      Goal 2:  Maintain Competitive Employee Compensation to Retain and Attract High Quality Staff while maintaining a
                                                                                                                                      Relationships‐Driven Culture
                 Once  again,  I  want  to  convey  my  heartfelt  gratitude  to  you  (Mayor  and  Council  Members)  for  your      Strategic Goals                    Outcome:
                 dedication,  commitment,  support,  direction,  and  leadership.  Together,  we  will  continually  create  a        Salary Increases                   Budgeted a 7% salary increase for all employees in the 2023‐2024 Budget Year.
                                                                                                                                                                         Added an increase in year two on Police and Fire Step Plan to become more competitive
                                                                                                                                      Expanded Police and Fire's Step Plan
                 community environment where families flourish, and business prospers.                                                                                   with surrounding cities.
                                                                                                                                      Increase Commercial Driver's License (CDL)   Raised the incentive for employees to obtain a CDL, addressing the high demand in Public
                                                                                                                                      Incentive Pay                      Work, Fleet, and Parks departments.
                 Also, I would like to express appreciation and recognition to our staff for the many months of hard and tedious      Maintain insurance coverage        Maintained coverage with no additional out‐of‐pocket expenses to employees's portion of
                 work preparing this adopted budget.  We have continued our focus on conservative fiscal management and               Goal 3:  Promote and Support Safety and Security within Our Community while providing Quality Services
                 commitment to the Council’s Value Statements of dependability, integrity, responsiveness, respectfulness,            Strategic Goals                    Outcome:
                 and accountability. Fiscal responsibility and significant economic growth are the two overall factors that           Response Time                      Compliant to NFPA 1710 for Fire Response time.
                 have been key to our success over the last few years.                                                                Replace Fire Engine                As part of the City's strategic apparatus replacement plan,  critical fire engines are
                                                                                                                                                                         evaluated and replaced as needed. The replacement engine in reserve inventory.
                 Respectfully and sincerely,                                                                                          Emergency Management Specialist    Enhancing the emergency management division by creating community training and
                                                                                                                                                                         engagement programs, and supporting additional funding sources through grants.
                                                                                                                                      Upgrade School Flashers            Upgrade critical school flashers for children's safety within the community.
                 Rex Phelps, City Manager                                                                                             SCBA Masks                         Masks replacement for current inventory meeting NFPA and OSHA regulations.
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