Page 16 - CityofHaltomFY24Budget
P. 16

Adopted      Proposed
                                                                                                                                                                                     Budget        Budget        Increase/     Change
                 Municipal Infrastructures and Equipment                                                                                    Fund                                        2023       FY2024      (Decrease)      Percent
                                                                                                                                            Operating Funds
                                                                                                                                            General Fund                              39,823,837        44,158,982             4,335,145  11%
                                                                                                                                            Debt Service Fund                           7,480,549          7,488,984                    8,435  0%
                 One  long-term  focus  has  been  providing  enough  funding  each  year  to  maintain  the  City’s  existing              Special Revenue Funds
                 infrastructure – primarily streets. Our community continues to face challenges with aging infrastructure                       Crime Control District Fund             2,225,013          2,222,089                   (2,924)  0%
                 and will be forced to absorb large reconstruction costs in the future if annual maintenance is not sufficiently                Oil and Gas Fund                                   -           1,600,000             1,600,000  N/A
                 funded. Revenues of a 3/8 cent sales tax provides funding for street repairs.                                                  Hotel/Motel Tax Fund                         44,872               20,700                 (24,172)  -54%
                                                                                                                                                Court Security Fund                          15,000               15,000                        -  0%
                                                                                                                                                Court Technology Fund                        32,000               40,500                    8,500  27%
                 To meet the critical facility and infrastructure needs, the city built a replacement fire substation, remodeled                Juvenile Case Manager Fund                   25,000               26,600                    1,600  6%
                 the old library building into the new senior center, provided significant funding for street projects, and                     Red Light Camera Fund                        68,000               79,830                  11,830  17%
                 passed elections to secure funding for both a new law enforcement center and a new city hall. City Council                     Grant Fund                                 151,500             197,500                  46,000  30%
                 approved a Series 2022 Certificate of Obligation debt in 2020-2021 for $10 million for additional street                       PEG Fund                                       5,000                 5,000                        -  0%
                 infrastructure repairs, drainage, and parks projects. The Voters and City Council also approved a series                       Fire Donation Fund                             6,548                 8,198                    1,650  25%
                 2022 General Obligation Bond Debt of $25 million to construct a new City Hall Facility scheduled for                           Library Donation Fund                      123,842               50,000                 (73,842)  -60%
                 completion  in  September  2024.  Another  infrastructure  priorities  that  carried  over  from  the  previous                Police Forfeiture Fund                       16,000               16,000                        -  -15%
                                                                                                                                                Park Donation Fund

                 budget year(s) was the voter approved series 2021B General Obligation $27 million bond package to build                        Park Dedication Fund                         85,000             105,000                  20,000  24%
                 the new Haltom City Law Enforcement Center which is expected to be completed in the December 2023.                             Safe Pathways Fund                                 -                      -                         -
                                                                                                                                                Animal Shelter Fund                            5,000                 5,000                        -  0%
                 The City has been playing catch up for the last two years due to our spending reduction related to the                         Police Donation Fund                         30,500               10,000                 (20,500)  -67%
                 unknowns of COVID in the recent past budgets. Included in the budget is replacement equipment such as                          Police CART Fund                               1,000                 1,000                        -  0%
                 Rubber Tire Front-End Loader, Trench Roller, Portal Bypass Pump, etc.  Much of this equipment is twenty                    Water & Sewer Fund                        31,237,606        32,880,803             1,643,197  5%
                 plus years old and is simply worn out or inoperable.                                                                       Drainage Utility Fund                       2,778,140          2,424,688               (353,452)  -13%
                                                                                                                                            Tirz 1 Fund                                            -              414,670                414,670  0%
                                                                                                                                            Tirz 2 Fund                                            -                12,000                  12,000  0%
                                                                                                                                                    Total Operating Funds        $84,194,907        91,817,044  $7,195,467          9%
                 The Water and Sewer department is funded by water and sewer rates and is not part of the General Fund.
                 The Water and Sewer Rate Study has been updated to reflect Fort Worth’s 17% upcoming sewer cost
                 increase in the 2023-2024 budget year. The rate structure continues to meet the industry standards and                    Capital Improvements
                 billing methods. The study gives a 5-year outlook for planned revenue requirement to support operations                   When you replace roads, you must also replace the aging water and sewer utility infrastructure prior
                 and future Capital Improvement Projects.
                                                                                                                                           to replacing the road surface. The city has committed approximately $72 million to road replacement
                                                                                                                                           and repairs with the funding sources lined up and is looking to bring on another $36 million in future
                BUDGET SUMMARY                                                                                                             road projects. In the past several years our City Council has committed more to street replacement/
                                                                                                                                           repair than at any time in the past, totaling approximately $98 million putting the tax dollars to work.
                 Operating expenditures adopted for FY 2023-2024 total of $91.8 million. This total is $7.2 million or more                Of the planned projects, the FY 2023-2024 Capital Improvement Budget is $19.4 million for the paving,
                 than 9% increase than the previous fiscal year’s adopted budget.                                                          drainage, and water/sewer projects. Additionally, the city is currently completing the construction of the
                                                                                                                                           Law Enforcement Center in 2023 and City Hall in 2024. Just like other capital projects many items continue
                                                                                                                                           to cross over budget years until their completion.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Adopted      Proposed
                                                                                                                                                                                     Budget        Budget       Increase/     Change
                                                                                                                                               Capital Project Funds                   2023        FY2024      (Decrease)     Percent
                                                                                                                                                Street Reconstruction Fund           12,623,000          6,700,000  ($5,923,000)  -47%
                                                                                                                                                Capital Improvement Fund          20,477,000        32,102,128  11,625,128        57%
                                                                                                                                                Capital Replacement Fund            850,000             900,000   50,000           6%
                                                                                                                                                Street Assessments Fund                   0                         -  0           0%
                                                                                                                                                Water & Sewer Utility Projects Fund  12,735,000        10,195,000  (2,540,000)   -20%
                                                                                                                                                Water and Sewer Impact Fees Fund    230,000             160,000   (70,000)         0%
                                                                                                                                                Drainage Capital Projects Fund     6,427,500          3,830,000  (2,597,500)     -40%
                                                                                                                                                    Total Capital Project Funds  $53,342,500   $53,887,128      $544,628           1%
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