Page 209 - GrapevineFY24 Adopted Budget
P. 209

Revenue and Other Financing Sources

               Total revenue for Enterprise funds is budgeted at $39 million for FY24, which is $4.8 million (14%)
               more than the previous year’s budget.  A vast majority (95%) consists of charges for services, which
               represent water and wastewater services in the Utility fund, and golf course services in the Golf fund.

               Water Sales are budgeted at $18.5 million, $1.5 million (9%) higher than last year’s budget.  Water
               sales in FY23 are estimated at $18.4 million and represent an increase of $27,862 (0.15%) from the
               prior year.

                 WATER SALES       FY-2018      FY-2019      FY-2020      FY-2021     FY-2022      FY-2023
                                    Actual       Actual       Actual       Actual      Actual      Estimate

                 Collections      $16,577,391  $14,607,630  $15,752,529  $16,062,329  $18,384,730  $18,412,592
                 Gain / (Loss)     $1,866,612   ($1,969,761)  ($824,862)   $309,800    $2,322,401     $27,862
                 % Change                13%         -12%          -5%           2%         14%         0.15%

               Wastewater Charges are budgeted at $9.1 million, $200,000 (2%) higher than the previous budget.
               Revenue in this category declined by $463,237 in FY23 (-5%).

               Combined water and wastewater charges represent 85% of revenue in the Enterprise Funds category.

                 WASTEWATER        FY-2018     FY-2019      FY-2020      FY-2021     FY-2022      FY-2023
                 SALES              Actual      Actual       Actual       Actual      Actual      Estimate

                 Collections       $8,371,685   $8,033,819  $7,735,969   $8,391,822  $8,974,247   $8,511,010
                 Gain / (Loss)       $316,801    ($337,866)  ($635,716)   $655,853     $582,425    ($463,237)
                 % Change                 4%          -4%         -8%           8%          7%          -5%

               Golf Course Green Fees are budgeted at $2.25 million and represent an increase of $440,000 (24%)
               from the previous year, as golfers are returning to courses in record numbers post-COVID.  Actual
               green fee revenue in FY23 totaled $2.1 million and represented an increase of $219,072 (11%) from
               the previous year.

                 GOLF COURSE       FY-2018      FY-2019      FY-2020     FY-2021      FY-2022      FY-2023
                 GREEN FEES         Actual       Actual       Actual      Actual       Actual      Estimate

                 Collections       $1,430,023   $1,426,621   $1,486,516  $1,796,000   $1,946,821   $2,165,893
                 Gain / (Loss)       ($11,943)     ($3,402)    $56,493     $309,484     $150,821    $219,072
                 % Change                 -1%          0%           4%         21%           8%          11%

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