Page 196 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 196
The Public Safety Communications Department serves as the critical link between fellow first responders
and the Burleson community.
Strategic Plan and Emphasis
SFA 1: Operational Excellence
o Improve the efficiency and productivity of operations through the use of technology,
innovation and continual business process improvement.
o Foster a collaborate organization, both internally and externally, by maintaining an open
dialogue between all city departments along with local, regional, state and federal
SFA 4: Public Safety
o Provide superior public safety dispatch services.
o Enhance emergency response services provided to the community.
o Ensure adequate equipment and personnel needs are being met, including staffing,
support and training.
o Strengthen partnerships with area public safety agencies to enhance safety to the
overall region.
Future Goals in FY 2023-2024
Obtain Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Telecommunication Agency credentials.
Collaborate with Information Technology department and 9-1-1 district to integrate non-
emergency phone lines with emergency phone consoles.
Implement Emergency Medical Dispatch Protocol.
o Refine practices for call review and feedback.
Ensure milestones are accomplished for the implementation of the new Computer-Aided
Dispatch (CAD), Mobile Data System (MDS) and Records Management System (RMS) suite.
Prior Year Accomplishments for FY 2022-2023
Implemented a new radio and telephone recording system.
Researched and selected a protocol provider for Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) call
processing. Implementation in progress; go-live September 2023.
Partnered with consulting firm and stakeholders to research and select a new Computer-Aided
Dispatch (CAD), Mobile Data System (MDS) and Records Management System (RMS) suite.
Anticipated go-live January 2025.
6 PSC Specialists hired