Page 182 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 182
includes Records, Judicial Services, Municipal Court
City Secretary’s Office: The City Secretary’s Office serves as a historian for the city, provides continuity
as elected officials change and are the main resource for citizens seeking information. The CSO exists to
allow the city’s departments to operate seamlessly within the boundaries of the city’s charter and law.
Records: The records management officer is responsible for coordinating and implementing policies
related to records retention and destruction. The records department manages the physical storage and
destruction of the all the city records following Texas State Library Retention schedule, oversee the
control of electronically stored records and upgrade technology to provide for efficient and economic
storage of records.
Court Clerk’s Office: Serves as the administrative arm of the Municipal Court of Record. Administrative
functions shall include timely and accurate processing of citations and complaints, courteous response
to requests for information from the public, responsible collection of assessed fines and fees, and
efficient docketing of cases for adjudication.
Strategic Plan and Emphasis
SFA 1: Operational Excellence
o Improve the efficiency and productivity of operations through the use of technology, innovation
and continual business process improvement.
o Deliver high-quality service to external and internal customers by providing an outstanding
customer experience; regularly seeking feedback from citizens and employees; and offering
convenient methods for conducting business with the city.
Future Goals in FY 2023-2024
Reshape Connect with Council Initiative to provide greater compatibility and outreach while
achieving necessary safety conditions
Develop a transition plan from 100% paper process to a paper lite process for the Municipal Court
Prior Year Accomplishments for FY 2022-2023
Enhance records retention accessibility for internal and external customers by adding new software
Expand and enhance recruiting, tracking, training and appreciation for all city boards and