Page 5 - Report
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Special Revenue Fund (Court Security/Technology Fund)                 300
                 State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund                                    400
                 Debt Service Fund (debt payment for bonds)                            600
                 Enterprise Fund (Water/Sewer)                                         900
                 Drainage Fund                                                         910

        These funds have a balance, called fund balance. This is the difference between assets and liabili�es in the fund. This is
        generally a business’s net worth. Governments report only a subset of assets and liabili�es, and the difference represents
        liquidity rather than net worth, resul�ng in the term fund balance. “Fund balance is similar to the working capital of a
        private-sector business” (Gauthier, 2009). Fund balance rolls over year over year and can fluctuate up or down.

        Below are the es�mated balances of the City’s funds. These are es�mates as the bank reconcilia�ons and audit for FY 2022
        are not completed. These balances also account for using the 200 and 300 funds to pay for authorized expenses that are
        currently budgeted in the General Fund, which will be discussed at the budget workshop. The items noted in red are to
        indicate these es�mates.

                                                     ESTIMATED Fund Balance
                                                              FY 2022                                             FY 2024
                                   FY 2021 Ending  FY 2022 Beginning   Estimated   FY 2023 Estimated   FY 2023   FY 2024 Estimated   Estimated
                      Fund                                                Beginning   Anticipated   Beginning Fund
                                     Balance      Balance      Ending      Balance   Ending Balance  Balance    Ending Fund
                                                              Balance                                            Balance
         100 *General Fund           $490,758.00   $490,758.00  $885,920.00  $885,920.00  $845,920.00  $845,920.00  $682,340.00
         200 Crime Control & Prevention  $34,385.00  $34,385.00  $86,020.00  $86,020.00  $61,420.00    $61,420.00       0
         300 Court Technology & Security  $53,500.00  $53,500.00  $64,467.00  $64,467.00  $61,867.00   $61,867.00  $41,867.00
         400 State & Local Fiscal Recovery  $302,919.00  $302,919.00  $0.00     $0.00        $0.00         $0.00        0
         600 Debt Service                 $0.00         $0.00      $0.00        $0.00        $0.00         $0.00        0

         900 *Enterprise (Water/Sewer)  $553,450.00  $553,450.00 $1,105,021.00  $1,105,021.00  $1,038,521.00  $1,038,521.00  $971,521.00

         910 Drainage                 $89,758.00    $89,758.00  $126,334.00  $126,334.00  $80,834.00   $80,834.00  $51,834.00

             * Unrestricted, can be used as needed. GF can supplement UF but not vice versa

        Dra� Budget Summary

        The budgeted revenue for the General Fund is $1,663,020. This is a preliminary number only in that property valua�ons
        and calculated tax rates have not been received from the appraisal district and tax assessor . The other revenue presented
        in the budget is based on historical receipts and an�cipa�ng lower receipts for sales tax for the coming year . Sales tax
        receipts for the past 10 months have been lower than the previous year, and on some occasions the lowest receipts in
        several years. The goal in budge�ng is to underes�mate revenue and overes�mate expenses. Staff recommends regular
        review of the budget throughout the year .
        Expenses for the General Fund are budgeted at $2,361,334. This is a lean budget, ensuring basic services are provided
        and includes street repairs nearing $100,000 and a sewer line replacement under the police department building at
        $30,000. This budget does not include raises for staff.

        The budget has a surplus of $325,627.

        The tables below summarize the revenue and expenses by fund.

                                                             9/18                          FY 2024 Adopted Budget
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10