Page 266 - Watauga FY22-23 Budget
P. 266


         DIVISION / ACTIVITY:                  WATER DISTRIBUTION - FUND 40-093

         EXPENDITURES                             2019-2020     2020-2021    2021-2022    2021-2022     2022-2023
                                                   ACTUAL        ACTUAL      BUDGET     PROJECTED        BUDGET

         Personnel                                   $397,953     $345,683    $437,600      $375,000       $524,500
         Supplies                                     $14,635      $24,325     $28,600       $29,800        $32,800
         Maintenance                                  $13,262      $18,265     $34,700       $37,200        $39,900
         Contractual/Sundry                         $2,267,211   $1,799,132  $2,309,515    $2,312,515     $2,219,415
         Capital Outlay                               $28,359      $30,315      $2,000        $2,000         $2,000
               TOTAL                                $2,721,420   $2,217,721  $2,812,415    $2,756,515     $2,818,615

         Director of Public Works                    0.25          0.25        0.25         0.25           0.25
         Code Enforcement Officer/Engineer           0.25          0.25        0.00         0.00           0.00
         Construction Inspector                      0.00          0.00        0.25         0.25           0.25
         Building Official                           0.25          0.25        0.00         0.00           0.00
         Asst. PW Director/Building Official         0.00          0.00        0.25         0.25           0.25
         Utilities Superintendent                    0.50          0.50        0.50         0.50           0.50
         Utilities Supervisor                        0.50          0.50        0.50         0.50           0.50
         Equipment Operator (3)                      1.00          1.00        1.50         1.50           1.50
         Public Works Maintenance Worker I           3.00          3.00        3.00         3.00           3.00
         Public Works Maintenance Worker II          1.00          1.00        1.00         1.00           1.00
         Permit Technician                           0.50          0.50        0.50         0.50           0.50
              TOTAL                                  7.25          7.25        7.75         7.75           7.75

                                     PERFORMANCE MEASURES / SERVICE LEVELS
          Input / Demand                                       Actual 20-21  Budget 21-22 Projected 21-22  Budget 22-23

         Number of water service calls                            201          300          250            300
         Miles of water lines maintained                           108         108          110            110
         Number of fire hydrants maintained                        667         667          675            680

         Output / Workload                                     Actual 20-21  Budget 21-22 Projected 21-22  Budget 22-23

         Percent of dead-end lines flushed monthly                100%         100%         100%          100%
         Percent of fire hydrants inspected, lubricated, and tested  50%       60%          50%            60%
         Percent of Fire hydrants in service                       95%         100%         90%           100%
         Number of water samples taken                             300         300          300            300

          Efficiency Measures / Impact                         Actual 20-21  Budget 21-22 Projected 21-22  Budget 22-23

         Percentage of city budget                                4.69%       5.29%        5.18%          4.57%
         Budget per capita                                        93.30       118.32       115.97         115.52

         Effectiveness Measures / Outcomes         Goals       Actual 20-21  Budget 21-22 Projected 21-22  Budget 22-23

         % water unaccounted for (water loss rate)   5             5%           5%           5%            5%
         % emergency calls responded - 30 min        2,5           95%         95%          95%            95%
         % non-emergency calls responded - 24 hours  5             95%         100%         100%          100%
         % main breaks repaired within 24 hours      5             95%         100%         100%          100%

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