Page 67 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 67


                                BUILDInG THE BUDGET

        cHAngeS From FY 2023 ProPoSed to

        AdoPted Budget                                                     AuguSt 16
        Before adopting the budget, City Council may               citY council Budget work
        choose to change any aspect of the proposed                            SeSSion
        budget, as long as the changes result in a balanced
        budget. A copy of the budget, as finally adopted, is
        filed with the City Secretary’s Office and the County
        Clerk of Tarrant County. The final budget is made
        available for the use of all departments, offices and
        agencies of the City, and for the use of interested              SePtemBer 6
        persons, agencies, and civic organizations.
                                                               ProPoSed Budget FirSt reAding
                                                                       And PuBlic HeAring

                                                                        SePtemBer 20

                                                                   ProPoSed Budget Second
                                                                 reAding And PuBlic HeAring

                                                                            octoBer 1

                                                                      Beginning oF FY 2023

                                                                      Figure 8:  FY 2023 Budget Timeline

   66     FY 2023 City of Southlake  |  BUDGET BOOK
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