Page 65 - Southlake FY23 Budget
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                                BUILDInG THE BUDGET

        ForecASt reVenueS

        Forecasting these key revenues correctly and conservatively is critical to ensuring the budget is balanced for the
        coming fiscal year and for the health of future budgets. In addition to preparing a forecast prior to the adoption of
        the annual budget, the City of Southlake continually forecasts throughout the year as trends in the market, economy,
        or other environmental factors are observed.

        Major revenue assumptions in the forecast include the impact of rising inflation, the economic recovery of
        commercial industries, decline in permit revenues as the city reaches build out, and the pass-through costs of
        utilities. For the period of FY 2023 to FY 2026, major revenue growth rates were forecasted as follows:

                           FiVe year Financial Forecast reVenue assumPtions
                                                  Fy 2023 - Fy 2027

                                      Fy 2023
                     reVenue         ProPosed        Fy 2024        Fy 2025        Fy 2026       Fy 2027
                                      budget*       Forecast       Forecast       Forecast       Forecast
                 Ad Valorem Tax        1.2%           0.5%           0.5%           0.5%          0.5%

                    Sales Tax          1.0%           1.5%           1.0%           0.5%          0.5%

                  Franchise Fees        .4%           -2.5%         -3.15%          0.4%          0.5%
                   Permit Fees        -39.5%          8.7%           5.2%           -2.3%         -5.8%

                *Growth rates compared to the FY 2022 Estimate as of August 2022
                            Figure 6:  Five-Year Financial Forecast Revenue assumptions for FY 2022 - FY 2026.
        ProViding citY SerViceS
        City expenditures fall into three broad categories: personnel, operations, and capital outlay. As a service delivery
        organization, salaries and benefits costs for personnel make up the majority of operating expenditures. The City of
        Southlake implements a number of strategies to manage the
        growth of expenditures.                                       consumer Price index (cPi)
        exPenditure growtH

        As a service delivery organization, personnel expenses    all urban consumers, dallas-Fort Worth
        make up more than 70% of the City’s General Fund budget.
        Managing total compensation costs is a key component of        month                cPi groWth
        long-term financial sustainability. To manage the growth
        of salaries, the City Council has set a policy to aim for    November                 7.45%
        Southlake’s pay plan to compensate employees at the
        70th percentile and the 85th percentile for public safety     January                 7.83%
        employees. This is just one strategy that the City uses to
        manage cost growth. The FY 2023 Proposed Budget contains       March                  9.05%
        several assumptions to related to the rising cost of health
        care and other benefits.                                        May                   9.14%

        Another strategy that the City uses to manage General Fund      July                  9.35%
        cost growth is to mirror the cost of existing services to the
        growth of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Dallas/Fort   Average                8.56%
        Worth Area, less food and energy.  This includes any contract   (Used to calculate General Fund
                                                                    existing Service Growth)
        increases, salary increases, or any expenses that relate to the
                                                                  Figure 7:  Consumer Price Index Bimonthly reporting
                                                                  changes for FY 2022 used to project FY 2023 General
                                                                                  Fund Growth.
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