Page 382 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 382

                                                                           Storm Water
                                                                          STORM WATER

                           Funding   Total Prior                                               Beyond /
            Project number                     FY 2023   FY 2024  FY 2025   FY 2026   FY 2027              Total
                            Source   Funding                                                   Unfunded
                          Funding is requested to design and construct a drainage ditch, culvert and channel along Morgan Road. Due to the
            Morgan Road
            Drainage      current slope and design, Maintenance has been performed multiple times throughout the past years. Field and drainage
                          investigation has been performed to determine that the current system is best to be redesigned to prevent potential flooding
                          damages to public and private property.
            2022-47       Water Utility   $50,000    $0        $0  $175,000  $175,000       $0        $0   $400,000

            Drainage Basin   Funding is requested for the implementation of recommendations from the storm water master plan focused on regional
                          detention opportunities at strategic locations around the City.  The intent of this project is to allocate funds to purchase land
                          or participate with developers to incorporate regional detention into future open space.
            2022-48       Water Utility   $350,000   $0    $32,500  $50,000   $50,000   $50,000   $50,000  $582,500

            Big Bear 8 at   Funding is planned for the design and construction of drainage improvements. The proposed improvements include the
            West Continental  construction of six 10-foot x 9-foot culverts, raise and replace the roadway, clear and grade the channel, and install channel
            Boulevard     stabilization.
            2022-55       Water Utility    $0        $0        $0       $0        $0        $0  $4,065,000  $4,065,000

            Higgins Branch  Funding is planned for the design and construction of drainage improvements at Higgins Branch and Plantation Drive. The
            at Plantation   proposed improvements include the addition of one 10-foot x 7-foot box culvert, raise and replace the roadway, clear and
            Drive         grade the channel, and install channel stabilization consisting of interlocking concrete blocks.
            2023-19       Water Utility    $0        $0        $0       $0        $0        $0  $1,050,000  $1,050,000

            South Fork
            Kirkwood Branch  Funding is planned for the design and construction of drainage improvements at South Fork Kirkwood Branch at West Dove
                          Road. The proposed improvements include the addition of two 10-foot x 6-foot box culverts, raise and replace the roadway,
            at West Dove
            Road          clear and grade the channel, and install channel stabilization consisting of interlocking concrete blocks.
            2023-16       Water Utility    $0        $0        $0       $0        $0        $0  $1,850,000  $1,850,000

            Indian Creek   Funding is planned for the design and construction of drainage improvements at Indian Creek Grapevine Lake and T.W.
            Lake Grapevine  King Road. The proposed improvements include the construction of seven 5-foot x 4-foot box culverts, raise and replace the
            at T.W. King Road roadway, clear and grade the channel, and install channel stabilization consisting of interlocking concrete blocks.

            2023-17       Water Utility    $0        $0        $0       $0        $0        $0  $1,150,000  $1,150,000

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