Page 320 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 320


                             Funding   Total Prior                                               Beyond /
              Project number                     FY 2023  FY 2024   FY 2025   FY 2026  FY 2027               Total
                             Source    Funding                                                   Unfunded
                            Sidewalks in Southlake are guided by a master plan that includes recommendations for sidewalk and trail segments across
                            the City.  Using the master plan as a guide, sidewalks ultimately get built one of four ways:  1.  As an element of City
                            road or park project, 2. As part of private construction projects; 3.  Through neighborhood retrofits; and, 4.  Through the
                            citywide pathway program which identifies infill sidewalk construction opportunities based on a prioritized project list that
              Citywide Pathway  considers available right of way, construction feasibility, proximity to schools and parks and potential connections between
                            neighborhoods and other uses.

                            Funding requested in the capital budget supports the Citywide Pathway program and funds for right of way acquisition,
                            engineering design, and construction of sidewalks at various locations throughout the City.
              2022-02                  $4,776,000  $1,460,000  $1,200,000  $1,225,000  $1,225,000  $1,150,000  $2,900,000 $13,936,000

                            Funding is planned for traffic improvements including new medians, new turn lanes and lane realignments, new pavement
              North Carroll   markings and improved intersections. New median configurations at the Main Street intersection will eliminate left turns
              Avenue - Corridoronto southbound North Carroll Avenue. This project will improve traffic flow in the North Carroll Avenue corridor between
                            Southlake Boulevard and State Highway 114.
              2022-09       Fund             $0   $760,000      $0        $0        $0       $0         $0   $760,000

              North White
              Chapel Boulevard Funding is requested to widen North White Chapel Boulevard from SH 114 to East Kirkwood Boulevard through a incentive
              - SH 114 to   agreement with the Carillon Development. As identified on the Thoroughfare master plan the section is called out to be a
              East Kirkwood   4-lane divided Arterial.

              2023-02                        $0  $1,862,000     $0        $0        $0       $0         $0  $1,862,000

              Required by   Funding is requested to continue the Citywide pavement rehabilitation program. This program is based on an annual
                            condition assessment conducted by a third party. This assessment feeds the City’s Pavement Quality Index (PQI), which
              Pavement      is the foundation for prioritizing pavement rehabilitation projects. The PQI is also an essential element of the City’s annual
              Management    financial audit.
              2022-03                 $17,269,000  $2,915,000  $3,060,000  $3,210,000  $3,370,000  $3,540,000  $3,720,000 $37,084,000

              Rehabilitation   Funding is requested to continue the rehabilitation of asphalt streets in partnership with Tarrant County. Tarrant County
              Participation   provides labor and equipment to rehabilitate the subgrade for several selected asphalt roads each year while City crews mill,
              Program (Joint   pave, stripe, and install curbing. 99% of respondents to the most recent Citizen Survey listed maintaining local streets and
              Project with   roads as important.
              Tarrant County)
              2022-04                  $3,918,000  $195,000  $203,000  $213,000  $223,000  $235,000  $246,000  $5,233,000

              Central Avenue   Funding is requested for design and construction of Central Avenue and Main Street Intersection improvements and
              Improvements  pedestrian safety improvements along Central Avenue. The project will address has some ADA and sight restriction issues.

              2023-03                        $0   $750,000      $0        $0        $0       $0         $0   $750,000

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