Page 301 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 301
In accordance with the Texas Local Government FY 2023 cIp calendar
Code and the Charter of the City of Southlake, the
FY 2023 to FY 2027 Capital Improvements Program
(CIP) is submitted for City Council consideration. aprIl 2022 cIp project Forms due
The challenges to retain and/or expand City maY 2022 cIp governance commIttee
services in the midst of balancing resources and revIew
growing costs has put pressure on City government
to make its limited capital resources work more june 2022 FInal cIp governance
efficiently. City administration, elected and commIttee revIew
appointed officials, and staff have taken several
steps to make its capital expenditures more closely julY 2022 cItY manager revIew
reflect its long-range objectives.
august 2022 spdc / parks Board
One such step is the connection between the City’s recommendatIon
capital planning efforts with its budgeting process. cItY manager FIles Budget
The CIP establishes a five year funding schedule
for the purchase, construction, or replacement of cItY councIl work sessIon
physical assets of the City. Capital improvements
typically have a useful life of more than ten years septemBer 2022 cItY councIl work sessIon
and value greater than $10,000. The first year 1st readIng and puBlIc
of the Capital Improvements Program is called hearIng
the Capital Budget and is appropriated in the
same manner as the annual Operating Budget. cItY councIl 2nd readIng
Funds for projects are appropriated on an annual and puBlIc hearIng
basis. Projects approved for subsequent years are
approved for planning purposes only and do not
receive expenditure authority until they are part of the Capital Budget.
creatIng the capItal Improvements program
In May 2022, the CIP Governance Committee, comprised of the Executive Leadership Team, began the process of
evaluating CIP project requests. The methodology involved a presentation of each project by a staff member of the
requesting department and the use of the CIP project evaluation form.
Following presentations by each requesting department, the projects were ranked in the appropriate funding
category (i.e. General Fund, Utility Fund, SPDC). The resulting ranked project list was then reviewed by the
Governance Committee to ensure that there were no obvious flaws in the ranking system. The Governance
Committee then reviewed the dollar amount available in each fund and recommended the projects to be funded in
the upcoming fiscal year (FY 2023) and the other four future years (FY 2024 to FY 2027).
Once the Governance Committee completed its review, the list was presented to the City Manager who then met
with the Governance Committee regarding needed changes or additions. The Governance Committee input revisions
and held additional meetings with department heads as needed to ensure the proposed plan is comprehensive.
Prior to the City Manager’s submission of the Capital Budget, the Southlake Parks Development Corporation (SPDC)
and the Parks Board met to review and recommend their respective portions of the budget and five-year plan.
300 FY 2023 City of Southlake | BUDGET BOOK