Page 101 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 101


             aD Valorem anD SaleS tax reVenue (general funD) Per CaPita

                                                   AD VALOREM TAX  SALES TAX

                     $900                $861                                  $835
                             $812                     $802        $831                      $835

                                                                                   $618        $616
                  DOLLARS PER CAPITA  $500   $477   $503   $501





                              2018         2019        2020         2021        2022*        2023**
                                                            FISCAL YEAR
           Warning Trend:  Decreasing net    *Unaudited      **Proposed Budget  Net operating sales tax or ad valorem revenue
           operating revenue per capita                                                 Population

        Examining per capita revenues shows changes in revenues relative to changes in population size.  This chart reflects
        changes in ad valorem (property) and sales tax revenues per capita since 2018.

                                             Ad Valorem Tax   Ad Valorem Tax    Sales Tax   General Fund Sales Tax
                    Fiscal Year  Population
                                              (General Fund)    per Capita    (General Fund)    per Capita
                     2011         26,600       $17,473,558        $657          $8,796,001       $331
                     2012         26,770       $17,690,312        $661           $9,443,239      $353
                     2013         27,080       $18,523,069        $684          $10,536,425      $389
                     2014         27,330       $19,193,801        $702          $12,585,569      $461
                      2015        28,296       $19,149,431        $677         $14,339,915       $507
                     2016         28,868       $20,920,809         $725         $13,480,025       $467
                     2017         29,440       $22,694,444         $771         $13,732,007       $466
                     2018         29,580       $24,028,296         $812         $14,111,661       $477
                      2019        30,010       $25,832,530         $861         $15,104,616       $503
                       2020       30,370       $25,072,864         $802         $15,660,985       $501
                        2021      31,199       $25,581,525         $831         $16,166,000       $596
                        2022*     31,924       $26,662,376         $835         $16,405,450       $618
                         2023**   31,684       $26,990,927        $835         $19,908,000       $616

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