Page 101 - GFOA Draft 2
P. 101

                                GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES


             GOAL: To provide citizens with courteous, professional, impartial, and cost-effective police services twenty-four hours a
             day, seven days a week, while enforcing City ordinances, State and federal laws and protecting the lives and property of
             those who live, work, and travel through the City of Saginaw.

                                                           FY 2021-2022 Department
               City Strategy  FY 2021-2022 Department Goal                           FY 2022-2023 Department Goal

                                                          Conducted one Citizen Police  Conduct one Citizen Police
                               Conduct two Citizen Police  Academy and conducted one
                             Academies and two Junior Police  Junior Police Academy. We did  Academy and two Junior Police
                                                                                       Academies. Increase citizen
                               Academies. Increase citizen  not have enough interest to  contacts at events and public
                              contacts at events and public  make it feasible to hold two
                               places, i.e. park, school and  classes for both academies.  places, i.e. park, school and
                              neighborhood events. Continue  Increased citizen contacts at  neighborhood events. Conduct
                Maintain a                                                            K9 public demos. Continue to
             financially sound   to emphasize training.     community events and city     emphasize training.
               city providing                                  sponsored events.
             superior services
                              Continue to compete for state  We obtained $18,271 in Radio  Continue to compete for state
                             and national grants for personnel  Assistance grants and $9,495 in  and national grants for personnel
                               and equipment. We will be  PSAP (Public Safety Answering  and equipment. We will be
                             applying for the LEOSE training  Point) Assistance grants. LEOSE  applying for the LEOSE training
                                    grant for 21/22.      grants obtained for $2,609.95     grant for 22/23.

                                               LONG TERM OBJECTIVES

             Utilize the law enforcement facility to improve operations and increase service to the citizens.

             Replace three (3) vehicles per year in order to provide reliable, safe and updated vehicles for patrol o cers.

             Audit sex offender  les by comparing them with the Texas Department of Public Safety’s website every 180 days.

             Fill vacancies with highly quali ed o cers and restore full-time tra c enforcement and Community Policing O cer.
             Sponsor Citizen’s Police Academy, CERT training, and continue volunteer based programs.

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