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          This budget document is intended to give the reader a comprehensive overview of funding for the
          City’s day-to-day operations, scheduled capital improvement expenditures, and principal and
          interest payments for the City’s outstanding long-term debt. The document complies with
          recommended practices for fiscal and budgetary transparency of the Government Finance Officers
          Association (GFOA). Hyperlinks have been to enhance electronic accessibility of the document.

          Organization of Budget Document

          The City Manager’s Budget Message is a narrative representation of the entire budget, discussing
          key budget decisions and major initiatives of the 2022-2023 Budget. The budget message also
          serves as a formal transmittal letter in describing significant changes from the previous year and
          explains the factors leading to these changes. This message serves as an overview of the
          revenues and expenditures for all funds budgeted for fiscal year 2022-2023.

          The Introduction section provides information to the reader about the budget, budget process and
          calendar, describes the City’s fund structure, describes the structure of the City’s finances, and
          lists the major financial and budgetary policies for the City of North Richland Hills.

          The Budget Summaries section gives historical and graphical comparisons and budgeted
          projections for revenues and expenditures. These summaries provide a concise analysis of
          revenues and expenditures for each fund. This allows the reader to review funding sources and
          expenditures for each fund in a one-page summary.
          The Debt Service section identifies the City’s current debt and resources that are set aside to pay
          principal and interest on debt incurred through sale of bonds and other debt instruments. These
          bonds finance capital improvements to streets, utilities, parks, and buildings.

          The Capital Projects section in the operating book provides summary information regarding the
          capital projects in progress or those planned for the 2022-2023 budget year. This section includes
          both General and Utility capital projects and the Park Facilities Development Fund capital projects.
          More detailed information can be found in the Capital Projects Budget document where summary
          reports, detail narratives, financial information and location maps are provided for each project.
          The Capital Projects budget is printed as a separate document to help strengthen the planning
          process for the Capital Projects Funds, and to provide pertinent data to decision makers for the
          uses of these resources. This section also emphasizes the operating impact of capital projects on
          the operating budget.
          The Appendix contains the following information: ordinances adopting the budget and establishing
          the tax rate for the current fiscal year, a community profile, a listing of detailed capital
          replacements, a personnel distribution report, and glossary.

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