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principles. The Department updated the Equal Employment Opportunity Plan as mandated
by grant requirements and identified additional measures to allow required data to be tracked
across all City departments. Finally, the Department developed a Response to Resistance
Review Board, which will consist of both employees and community members. This board
will periodically review select incidents to identify areas of improvement and provide feedback
and recommendations directly to the Chief of Police.
Operation Zero, a traffic safety initiative, ran from July to December of 2021. The Traffic Unit
focused their enforcement efforts on hazardous driving behavior on major roadways. A total
of 312 DWI arrests were made during 2021, an 8.5% increase from 2020.
The Criminal Investigations Division exemplified strong work ethic, teamwork, and efficiency in
all areas. Through arrest or exception, the Division achieved a 34.4% clearance rate of property
crimes and a 65.8% clearance rate of violent crimes, which exceed national clearance rates of
17.2% for property crimes and 45.5% for violent crimes. These clearances - along with
clearance of narcotics crime, cybercrimes, and juvenile crimes - produced a detective
combined clearance rate of 48.64%, an increase of 11% from 2019 and 13% from 2020.
911 emergency location signage was installed in June 2022 on every ¼ mile on all off-road
trails in North Richland Hills. In the event of an emergency, a trail user calling 911 can provide
dispatch the trail location code listed on the nearest sign. The unique location codes are listed
in the overall city’s 911 mapping system. With over 30 miles of hike and bike trails, this will help
minimize response times to emergency situations on the trail system. This sub-project within
an Active Transportation Grant Project was a collaboration with Parks & Recreation, Fire,
Police and Public Works.
The Consumer Health Division completed 1,182 inspections of regulated food establishments,
child care facilities, public/semi-public pools/spas and submitted 238 mosquito traps to Tarrant
County Public Health to monitor for West Nile Virus in FY 21