Page 373 - Cover 3.psd
P. 373
Major Capital Equipment Capital Projects
Project Name Project Description
PD Four (4) SUV Fleet Purchase four (4) Police Patrol SUV Units
Purchase - Continuing
Police Department Purchase one (1) police equipped motorcycle to replace 2016 Motorcycle (Unit 8025).
Motorcycle Purchase -
Continuing Project
Public Safety Technology - Upgrade and replace the current mobile video in-car systems, servers and data storage. Currently, 50
Continuing Project patrol units have video systems installed. This project also includes the purchase of body cameras and
video data storage for police department, as well as the replacement of MDC's for the Police
Department. This project will also include the replacement of 25 mobile data computers for the Fire
Department. The units were purchased in 2008 and maintenance can no longer be obtained. This
project includes replacing the units and installation of the docking stations.
Purchase and Purchase and implementation of digital signature software used throughout the organization.
implementation of Digital
Signature Software -
Continuing Project
Purchase/Replacement of Purchase and replacement of storage area networks (SAN) hardware.
Storage Area Network
(SAN) Hardware -
Continuing Project
Replacement of CAD/RMS Replacement of the current CAD/RMS software platform (CRIMES) with a different software and
Public Safety Software vendor.
Platform - Continuing Project