Page 269 - Cover 3.psd
P. 269
Facilities & Construction
Top Performance Metrics
FY20‐21 FY21/22 FY22/23 Target /
Performance Metric
Actual Actual Estimate Goal
# of plumbing, electrical, and general Work Orders 1,272 1,350 1,400 1,400
# of HVAC preventative Work Orders 449 420 420 425
% of in‐house plumbing, electrical, and general Work Orders 77% 80% 70% 70%
completed the same day
% of HVAC preventative maintenance/inspection Work Orders 64% 91% 89% 89%
% of unscheduled HVAC Work Orders completed the same day 41% 65% 75% 75% Goals & Measures
Significant variances: Maintenance Tech plumbing, electrical, and general work orders is tracking slightly less. We lost one
general maintenance technician in our department resulting in us completing less work orders. HVAC preventative work
orders is tracking well. Percent of plumbing, electrical, and general maintenance work orders completed the same day is also
tracking well. Percent of preventative in‐house and contracted HVAC work orders is tracking well and possible will exceed
projections. Percentage of unscheduled HVAC work orders completed the same day dipped below projections possibly due to
a better preventative maintenance.