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           Top Goals and Objectives

             Goal 1
             To provide City Council, management, departments, and citizens with accurate and timely financial records that
             conform with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ('GAAP') and Government Accounting Standards Board
             ('GASB') requirements.
               Objective    Review and verify the accuracy of financial data.
               Objective   Meet all reporting deadlines with consistent and transparent financial information.
               Objective   Issue a CAFR that communicates and fairly presents the financial condition of the City.

             Goal 2
             To ensure compliance with applicable state and federal statutes, bond covenants, grant requirements, and
             management policies pertaining to projects, events, and grants.

               Objective   Comply with all financial regulations and policies.
               Objective   Prepare and submit financial reports in compliance with grant requirements.
               Objective   Receive an Unmodified audit opinion on the CAFR and Single Audit.

             Goal 3
             To continue to provide high quality customer service, as well as timely, accurate billing for water, sewer, drainage,
             and garbage service.

               Objective    Bill customers in a timely and accurate manner .
               Objective    Reconcile cash receipts to system posting to ensure processing occurs timely and accurately.   Goals & Measures

             Goal 4
             To continue to maintain efficiency and effectiveness in the City's purchasing processes.

               Objective    Issue purchase order, on average, within two business days of receiving the requisition.
               Objective   Improve p‐card process and data timeliness by increasing the frequency of statement availability.

             Goal 5
             To configure and implement the financial components of the City's new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

               Objective   Engage departments in evaluating, developing, and implementing a new Chart of Accounts.
               Objective   Work with the vendor and City staff to configure, test, and implement a financial system.
               Objective   Provide end‐user training on financial modules prior to "go‐live".

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