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          Overview of Special Revenue Funds

          Promotional Fund - The Promotional Fund provides economic development services for the City.
          This fund is supported by a 7% hotel/motel occupancy tax, which was established by a state law by
          which municipalities are allowed to assess a tax of up to 7% for hotel/motel occupancy. This revenue
          source is used to promote tourism and to attract new industry and business to the City. It is estimated
          that the Promotional Fund will receive occupancy tax proceeds in the amount of $300,000 for fiscal
          year 2022/2023. Interest income is projected to be $4,278. Total Promotional Fund revenues for the
          new fiscal year are projected to be $304,278. Total expenditures are projected to be $304,278.

          Donations Fund – The Donations Fund derives a significant portion of its revenue from a $1.50
          contribution made by citizens and commercial businesses through monthly City utility bills. Donation
          Fund revenue also includes other donations and  investment income. Revenue projections for
          2022/2023 are $242,646. These contributions are allocated for library needs, humane services, and
          public art. Budgeted expenditures for 2022/2023 are $228,411.

          Special Investigation Fund – Revenue for this fund is received from Federal and State forfeited
          funds and reimbursement from neighboring cities involved in the Mobile Data Terminal (MDT)
          program, and the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) program. Revenues from
          forfeited funds are dependent on which cases go to court and whether or not a judge releases funds
          to the City.  These revenues fluctuate year to year depending on cases involving court awards.  The
          Special Investigation Fund includes an appropriation of fund balance of $186,800 for fiscal year
          2022/2023.  These are unobligated forfeited funds received in previous years used for one-time,
          non-recurring expenditures.  Total  revenues, including the appropriation of fund balance, are
          projected to be $290,500. Total expenditures are projected to be $290,500 for fiscal year 2022/2023.

          Drainage  Utility  Fund  – This fund accounts for the monthly fees charged to residents and
          businesses to pay for the cost of drainage improvements throughout the City. The fee is based on
          a residential or commercial unit’s usage of drainage facilities. The fee varies slightly based on zoning
          category, with total expenses of $2,722,080.

          Gas Development Fund – Revenue for the Gas Development Fund is generated from natural gas
          development. In June 2006 City Council adopted a resolution creating a conservative policy on the
          use of natural gas development revenues. The policy was established to avoid over-reliance on
          these revenues and to establish how the revenues would be used. Caution was taken in considering
          uses for gas revenues because it is difficult to predict well production and long term production
          normally means the production decreases over time. In general the policy guidelines establish three
          areas for using the money: (1) to bridge the gap of sales tax revenue reductions, (2) to use “one
          time” revenues for projects or non-recurring capital needs, and (3) to use the revenues for expanding
          the City’s economic base and for economic development.  Total revenue projected for fiscal year
          2022/2023 is $711,844. Total expenditures for fiscal year 2022/2023 are $711,844.

          Traffic Safety Fund – This fund accounts for the use of reserves for traffic safety initiatives and
          one-time traffic safety equipment purchases. This fund previously generated revenue from the Red-
          Light Camera Traffic Safety program that was eliminated by a change in state law in 2019. Total
          expenditures for 2022/2023 are estimated at $112,721 funded by an appropriation of fund balance.

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