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                                                     FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023

                                               SCHEDULE 2 - SUMMARY OF REVENUES
                                                        GENERAL FUND
                                                                             ADOPTED      REVISED      ADOPTED
                                                   ACTUAL       ACTUAL       BUDGET        BUDGET       BUDGET
                                                  FY 2019/20   FY 2020/21    FY 2021/22   FY 2021/22   FY 2022/23
           Indirect Costs:
              Utility Fund                         $2,182,170    $2,182,170   $2,182,170   $2,182,170    $2,182,170
              Park & Rec Facilities Dev. Corp.        499,363      485,987      512,957      512,957       517,957
              Crime Control District                  30,156        16,780       43,750       43,750        48,750
              Aquatic Park Fund                           0             0            0            0             0
           Consolidation Reimbursements             2,563,119     2,560,312    2,445,868    2,445,868    2,573,233
           Transfers In
              Park  Fund                                  0             0            0            0             0
           SUB-TOTAL                               $5,274,808    $5,245,249   $5,184,745   $5,184,745    $5,322,110

           Interest Income                           $350,993     $211,290     $168,722      $133,427     $138,442
           Radio Reimbursement                        260,371      263,497      267,460      260,181       268,427
           Lease Income                               98,299        99,541      131,221      131,221       200,000
           Grant Proceeds                           3,785,226       36,414      384,814      384,814       423,842
           Park Fund Reimbursement                        (0)           0            0            0             0
           Fleet Service Fund Reimbursement           498,973      416,332      446,552      446,552       467,112
           Teen Court Reimbursement                   11,265        30,309       20,114       20,114        20,653
           Other Income                               309,668      723,058      103,761      134,798       109,581
           Public Safety Reimbursements               72,129        45,267       70,000       70,000        60,000
           Designated Funds for City Hall Project Debt  734,056         0       327,667      327,667       539,512
           SUB-TOTAL                               $6,120,979    $1,825,709   $1,920,311   $1,908,774    $2,227,569

           Appropriation of Fund Balance             $348,443          $0      $807,963    $1,466,460     $101,756
           SUB-TOTAL                                 $348,443          $0      $807,963    $1,466,460     $101,756

           TOTAL REVENUES                          $54,645,798  $52,989,097  $53,564,048  $55,021,405   $57,947,278

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