Page 242 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 242

Department Name:
                                                                          Geographic Information System (GIS)

              Mission Statement:
               To provide access to spatial technologies accompanied with knowledge and experience in order to enable staff and citizens to
               utilize geographic data in their daily activities.

              Services Provided:
               1. Maps
               2. Data
               3. Custom applications
               4. Ad-Hoc IT support

                   CITY COUNCIL’S STRATEGIC PRIORITIES          N         O          R         T        H

                                                             Noteworthy  Organizational   Remarkable   Together       Healthy
                                                              Essentials  Excellence  Experiences  as One  Economy
                                                              Consistently   Strong team  Distinctive  Create   Sustainable assets,
                                                              high-quality   and internal   services and   community   financial strength &
                                                               services  culture  amenities  connections  growth

                                                                N          O         R         T         H
              Goal #1                                           ●
               Maintain a geographic data framework, for use in creating and maintaining accurate maps used to provide geographic data and analysis
               effectively and in a timely manner. Provide city staff and customers the appropriate geographic data and tools for retrieval and analysis
               of such data. Increase availability of data to staff and customers via desktop and web applications.
               1. Develop and maintain geographic data layers.
               2. Develop and maintain data access tools for use in desktop and web applications.
               3. Encourage data sharing partnerships to facilitate the City’s involvement in economic development, public safety, land use and

                                                                         Actual    Actual    Budget    Budget
              Performance Measures                                      2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
               Mapping data layer accuracy.                               92%       94%       95%       95%
               Mapping and data tools available to staff and public.       2         3         4         5
               Integration with additional City departments               50%       60%       75%       75%

                                                                N          O         R         T         H
              Goal #2                                                                ●
               Develop and maintain online site(s) for map and data distribution.

               1. Develop and maintain web-based datasets, maps and applications.
               2. Reduce staff dependence on paper maps, using web-based maps, instead.
               3. Coordinate with IT Department on best practices for data storage and distribution methods.

                                                                         Actual    Actual    Budget    Budget
              Performance Measures                                      2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
               Amount of web-based data layers.                            4         5         7         10
               Amount of web-based maps.                                   2         3         4         5
               Amount of web-based applications.                           1         2         3         4

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